author={Kim, Hyun-Ju and CHAE EUN YOU},
title={The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea},
journal={The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China},
AU - Kim, Hyun-Ju
TI - The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea
JO - The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China
PY - 2017
VL - null
IS - 43
PB - Korean Society of Study on Chinese Languge and Culture
SP - 171
EP - 195
SN - 1738-0502
AB - This paper analyze the status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea.
In this paper, ‘Silk Road music’ not only means music on the Silk Road, but also the process of transferring and changing music from one country to another and the musical interchange of countries.
Because Silk Road music was used in various rituals and festivals, the ancient people were able to enjoy regardless of social status. Because it spread rapidly from mouth to mouth, it explains the interchange of Silk Road effectively than any other elements of civilization.
This paper analyzed the study of the Silk Road music divided by the 3 period. The first period starts from 1991 to 2000, the second period starts from 2001 to 2007, and the third period starts from 2008 to now.
In the first period, it appeared the theme of ‘Silk Road music’. In this period, the study of scholar Chun-In Pyong formed a state of study.
In the second period, when the book 『The Silkroadology』 of scholar Jeong-su il is published, it began to make efforts to solidify the silk road in academia. In this period, various scholars participate in study on the Silk Road music, and they tried to connect specific musical instruments and local music with musical interaction on the Silk Road.
In the third period, Gyeongsangbuk-province actively pushed ahead with events and projects about the Silk Road during the ‘Silk Road Expo 2015’ in Gyeong-ju. Various scholars analyzed the origin of Korean ancient musical instruments, and connect this with musical interaction on the silk road.
However, the study on the Silk Road music is still small compared to other cultural and arts field. So, in order to develop study in this field, we need a new method that differs from existing efforts.
First, we can find the musical elements about Silk Road from korean classical music or k-pop, which are familiar to the public. And we can connect with modern music with Silk Road music. Second, It is necessary to build a voice file database for books and promotional materials to listen Silk Road Music directly. Third, It is necessary to create new story or make a film based on the Silk Road. Fourth, it is good method to create a Silk Road recording that reproduce ancient Silk Road music. Fifth, we need to expand our interest in the Silk Road music through holding events such as conference and a fair supported by government.
KW - Silk Road music;Silk road;ancient music;musical interchange;music
DO - 10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
ER -
Kim, Hyun-Ju and CHAE EUN YOU. (2017). The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea. The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China, 43, 171-195.
Kim, Hyun-Ju and CHAE EUN YOU. 2017, "The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea", The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China, no.43, pp.171-195. Available from: doi:10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju, CHAE EUN YOU "The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea" The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China 43 pp.171-195 (2017) : 171.
Kim, Hyun-Ju, CHAE EUN YOU. The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea. 2017; 43 : 171-195. Available from: doi:10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju and CHAE EUN YOU. "The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea" The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China no.43(2017) : 171-195.doi: 10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju; CHAE EUN YOU. The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea. The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China, 43, 171-195. doi: 10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju; CHAE EUN YOU. The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea. The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China. 2017; 43 171-195. doi: 10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju, CHAE EUN YOU. The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea. 2017; 43 : 171-195. Available from: doi:10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007
Kim, Hyun-Ju and CHAE EUN YOU. "The Status and prospect on the study of the Silk Road music in Korea" The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China no.43(2017) : 171-195.doi: 10.16874/jslckc.2017..43.007