This writting examined from the perspective of linguistics centering on unconsciousness of analytic psychologist Carl Gustaf Jung(1875-1961), sijo poet shown in Korea’s modern women’s founder poet Jeong Suja(1957-) and Hong Seongran(1958-) founder. The “language of heart” observed in the founder of a poet pointing to notice, through the creative process, noticed that immediate physical unconscious penetrated into objective phenomena and sensory elements and was stored in the registration table. Because the language of the poet is formed not as individuals of unconsciousness but as identity with the ego of the wire material world, the poet also reacted through interaction without knowing, and it was dissolved in “unconscious language” has been done.
As the nonverbal language before being translated into languages when viewing creation from psychoanalysis is a nonconscious world, it was formed as an intermediary of an unconscious work that existed so as not to exist fundamentally. From this Jung’s point of view, the quest for a woman poet that unconscious is differentiated into what existence is not only distinguished between male poets, but also the “poetic narcissism” that only female poets have I can find “emotional character” as an unconscious language. Being unconsciously mobilized in poetry can be the language of the symbolic system, which allows the poet’s desire to communicate with unconscious meaning.
Judged as an interpreter of the primitive symbol of humanity, Jung deciphered the language of the unconscious as a symbol and separated the unconscious into a personal unconsciousness and a collective unconsciousness, and the shadow, persona, Anima, Animus and prototype, and proceeded to self-realization (selbstverwirklichung) in which the unconscious world and the self are integrated. From the viewpoint of analytics, trying to grasp the unconscious aspect implied by the poet’s text in terms of the essence of unconscious theory that finding a deepened ego and finding the subjectivity of a human being developed is these the main idea of this paper was used in the research method of this paper.
It has a linguistically symbolic structure of the poet’s poem to investigate, it is expressed in memory of consciousness in memory of memory, through consciousness and preconscious, it was unconsciously suppressed in the image suppressed, it revealed through sijo poet of Jeong suja and Hong Seongran’s sijo that internal and external aspects. Therefore, it can have the foundation on which “conscious entity” “self” as “symbolic product unconsciously germinated” and “unconscious subject” such as “poet” can be considered. Specifically, it evoked a representation of remarkable memory in the case of text, analyzed through shadows, suppressed images to personas, double-sided symbols as Anima Animus for each animated chapter in each chapter, in texts, twelve in total.