To the current law of life-long education, first of all, it is desirable to focus on effective life-long education by offering improvements such as establishing the concept of laws, unifying the legal structures, establishing institutes for life-long education, supporting institutes actively, setting up the education city and activating it, managing staffs, informatizing life-long education, participating to the education, expanding the education to the weak.
The detailed plans are following.
First, it is to establish the concepts. The current law of life-long education needs to establish the status on the concept of education which people are getting for their whole lives, so the law related to the life-long education should be unified with other laws. Thus, in order to secure the right of life-long education for citizens under the federal law, it is proper way to unify related laws of social education that are spread out to other laws. Second, it needs to establish institutes of life-long education. Systemic regulations, such as acquiring corporate capacity to establish institutes, being non-profit for education, developing and varying programs with high quality, operating the history of life-long education, applying know-hows like supply and demand for professionals, and re-checking supports like active, general, human resource, and scientific technique education, and supervising thoroughly to improve the quality fo education and competition. Third, set up and supervision of the institute for life-long education, Since the mainly focused homework for development of life-long education is on supplying professional leaders who have the characteristics that are required to the educational environment, it is necessary to enhance school=centered life-long education through improvement of professionality and local structure by establishing institutes in organizations.
Fourth, the support for the life-long education. It needs to be offered the life-long education by establishing supportive structure between government and local organization. Fifth, expansion of life-long education city. It is important to make life-long education trend or environment to individuals, organizations, and local society through expansion of life-long education and festivals because the city will be leading and enhancing education system based on local society by enhancing participation and authority of local societies on education. Sixth, improvement on participation of adult education. For the Korean life-long education to be activated, the participating rate of adult-students should be higher up to 40% - which is 8 times higher as today’s rate. Thus, attractive programs to activate life-long education as well as to expanding institutes of life-long education. Seventh, informatization of education structure. the results of knowledge, information, and technical development for quality improvement of education and training program operated by life-long education organization should be playable as web contents. In addition to that, all the information about life-long education should be saved, maintained, and played as web contents so that it can be added and used as new information. Eighth, expansion of life-long education to the weak. Korean education should be activated based on high quality and high-leveled development, not on quantity-wise. This is that the expansion of life-long education to the weak that are discussed for educational welfare has to be pursued as a goal of life-long education development. In addition, various educational activities should be supervised with life-long education account system through cooperation between the department of social welfare and the department of labors, like the original purpose of the system.