The purpose of this paper is to make a list of compound verbs for Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT). As a result, the following 48 highest ranking Japanese compound verbs are selected for JPT.
de-kakeru, mi-tukeru, omoi-dasu, oti-tuku, kuri-kaesu, uke-toru, hik-kosu, tori-komu, mi-okuru, tobi-dasu, uke-ireru, hanasi-au, yobi-kakeru, mi-naosu, de-au, tati-agaru, tori-tukeru, tori-ageru, mi-ageru, hip-paru, mi-awaseru, nari-tatu, naki-dasu, deki-agaru, mi-mamoru, uke-tomeru, mi-tumeru, tobi-komu, ii-dasu, huri-muku, sasi-dasu, tori-dasu, toori-sugiru, aruki-mawaru, moti-dasu, hiki-zuru, moti-ageru, hanasi-kakeru, mi-orosu, nige-dasu, omoi-tuku, nori-komu, mi-watasu, huri-kaeru, kanngae-komu, osi-tukeru, hiki-dasu, tori-ireru
Based on the result, this paper suggests that the compound verbs illustrated above can be available for Japanese education.