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2007, Vol.31, No.3

The Improvement Plan for Tourism Basic Act:e Research into the Bill of National Tourism Basic Act of Japan
Yongseok Shin , Chang Pyong Kwon | 2007, 31(3) | pp.11~29 | number of Cited : 15
A Study on Birdwatching Experts’ Value Pursuit Using the Hard Laddering Method
한학진 , Seongseop Kim | 2007, 31(3) | pp.31~54 | number of Cited : 23
Relation of Crowding Perception, Emotional Response, and Adjusting Behavior Racteristics
Sungdo Hong | 2007, 31(3) | pp.55~76 | number of Cited : 19
A Study on the Relationships among Characteristics of Destination, Personal Meaning toward Travel and Souvenir Choice Behavior
Cho, Yong-hyun , Park JungHwa , Min-Young Kim | 2007, 31(3) | pp.77~96 | number of Cited : 16
The Development of Performance Evaluation Model Using BSC: Focused on Green Rural Tourist Villages
Kim, Nam Jo , 문성민 | 2007, 31(3) | pp.97~116 | number of Cited : 12
Evaluation of the Suitability to Develop Key Management Performance Indicators in Korean Resort Industry
김학준 , Kim, Dae Kwan | 2007, 31(3) | pp.117~134 | number of Cited : 7
The Business Motivation and Background Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Tourism Entrepreneur in Jeju
Sungil Kang , Oh Sang-Hoon , Byungwoong Chung | 2007, 31(3) | pp.135~152 | number of Cited : 5
Market Segmentation for Rural Tourism Determinants of Rural Tourism Demand
Mi-Kyung Kim , Lee, Hee-chan | 2007, 31(3) | pp.153~170 | number of Cited : 27
An Application of the Individual Travel Cost MethodConsidering Data Characteristics
Woon-Gang Song , Haejin Lee | 2007, 31(3) | pp.171~188 | number of Cited : 17
Can We Predict the Demand for Outbound Tourism in Korea?
soowon mo | 2007, 31(3) | pp.189~208 | number of Cited : 10
Concepts of Heritage and Heritage Tourism: ature Review
SukYoungHan , Kim SaHun | 2007, 31(3) | pp.209~223 | number of Cited : 40
An Exploratory Study on the Role of the March aux puces, Foire as a New Cultural and Leisure Space: The Case of France
LEE IL-YUL | 2007, 31(3) | pp.225~243 | number of Cited : 15
The Typology of Consume-behavior of Lived Festival Experience on A Performing Art Festival: the Chuncheon International Mime Festival
Youngjin Lee , Lee, Hoon | 2007, 31(3) | pp.245~267 | number of Cited : 39
A Study on the Repeat Visitors’ Features in Jeju Tourism
Choi Byoung-Kil , Kim,Kyung-Ho | 2007, 31(3) | pp.269~288 | number of Cited : 17
An Application of the Limits of Acceptable Change for Sustainable Regional Tourism Development based upon Residents’ Attitudes by Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
정종의 , Ko, Dong Wan , 여정태 | 2007, 31(3) | pp.289~310 | number of Cited : 12
A Study on the Cultural Tourism Exchange for Reconstruction of Eastern States in the Unified Germany
Sukjin Park | 2007, 31(3) | pp.311~328 | number of Cited : 0
The influence of Internet Travel Agency Selective Attribute on the e-loyalty
Yoon Ji-Hwan , Yeonwoo Lim | 2007, 31(3) | pp.329~347 | number of Cited : 37