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2016, Vol.40, No.10

Exploring Characteristics of Place in Dark Tourism and Its Causal Relationships with Consequence Variables: The Case of Seodaemun Prison History Hall Visitors
Kim Jae Hak | 2016, 40(10) | pp.11~27 | number of Cited : 10
Examining the Stock Index of the Tourism Industry and the Existence of a Bubble in Stock Prices throughout the Tourism Industry
SONGMINKYUNG , Kim, Sang Hyuck | 2016, 40(10) | pp.29~42 | number of Cited : 5
Effects of a Tourist Guide’s Non - verbal Communication Capabilities on the Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Tourists: Focusing on Chinese Tourists Visiting Korea
Hyun Eunji | 2016, 40(10) | pp.43~59 | number of Cited : 22
A Study on the Differences in Preference of Accommodation Attributes and Experience Activities by Long-stay Rural Visitors’ Motivation
Lee, Sang-Hoon , syryu | 2016, 40(10) | pp.61~78 | number of Cited : 21
A Study of the Experiential Value and Satisfaction of Coffee Shop Customers and their Impacts on Customer Loyalty and Switching Intention: Moderating Effects of Alternative Attractiveness
Kim, Ji-Yeon , Kim, ChungAh | 2016, 40(10) | pp.79~93 | number of Cited : 32
An Analysis of the Structural Relations among Volunteer Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Commitment and Satisfaction of Volunteers for a Regional Tourism Event
JIN BO RA , Choi, Ji-Young , Youn Taek Lee | 2016, 40(10) | pp.95~114 | number of Cited : 25
An Analysis of Relationships among the Stage of Travel Chain, Disability Type, and Service Failures: Based on Correspondence Analysis
LEE YOU-HA , LEE, BONGKOO | 2016, 40(10) | pp.115~136 | number of Cited : 1
The Relationship among Sense of Community, Sociopolitical Control Ability, Policy Participation in Rural Tourism Development
Eunseong Jeong , Kang, Seung-Hee , Cheolwoong Jin | 2016, 40(10) | pp.137~154 | number of Cited : 9
An Identification of Convention Participation Constraints and an Examination of the Decision - Making Process of Convention Participants: Applying an Extended Model of Goal - Directed Behavior
Heejin Kim , Kim, In-sin | 2016, 40(10) | pp.155~169 | number of Cited : 27
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Resilience and Group Cohesiveness: Focused on the Moderating Effect of Organizational Politics
Lee, Yoon-Joo , Lee, Ae-Joo | 2016, 40(10) | pp.171~187 | number of Cited : 33
Effects of Internal Marketing on the Organizational Commitment of Super - Deluxe Hotel Employees: Focusing on The Moderating Effects of Rank
Paek, Su-Jean | 2016, 40(10) | pp.189~206 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Brand Image Differentiation Strategy of Food Enterprise Using the Multidimensional Scaling Method
안혜림 , Choi, Ha-Yeon , Hak-Seon Kim | 2016, 40(10) | pp.207~226 | number of Cited : 12