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2020, Vol.44, No.4

The Impact of Servicescape of Non-Gaming Facilities in the Integrated Resort on Customers‘ Emotional Responses and Behavioral Reactions Over Casino
CHUNG KWANGKYUN , Kim, Nam Jo | 2020, 44(4) | pp.9~30 | number of Cited : 7
Evaluating the Efficiency of Domestic Airports’ Performance using Spatial Concept: The Effect of Distance between Airports
Shin, Chae-Hyeon , Kim, Sang Hyuck | 2020, 44(4) | pp.31~47 | number of Cited : 3
An Analysis on Guests‘ Key Attributes of AirBnb: How Korean Customers Make a Choice about Accommodation on Airbnb? Relative Importance using Best-Worst Scaling
Unbyoul Jung , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2020, 44(4) | pp.49~69 | number of Cited : 12
Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Starbucks Brand Love using Stakeholder Theory
Kim, Kyoung-Bae , Joonho Moon , Kyesung Ko and 1 other persons | 2020, 44(4) | pp.71~84 | number of Cited : 7
The Effect of Sellers‘ Influence Tactics of Resort MICE Salesperson on Relationship Quality and Long-term Relationship Orientation
An Kabsoo , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2020, 44(4) | pp.85~102 | number of Cited : 3
Integrating SERVQUAL and Kano’s Model into Quality Function Deployment for Delivery Application Service Excellence Development
JO MI NA | 2020, 44(4) | pp.103~121 | number of Cited : 41
Customer Categorization of Eating-Out Frequency in Korea : From Heavy Users to Light Users
Han, Kyung-Soo , Ji Eun Min | 2020, 44(4) | pp.123~145 | number of Cited : 3
Semantic Network Analysis on Usage Behavior of Major Korean Walking Trails
Lee Tae Sook , Chae Nam Jun , Rhee, Tae-Hwan | 2020, 44(4) | pp.147~167 | number of Cited : 18
Interpersonal Social Influence in the Group of Travel Service Encounter : The Moderated Mediation of Group Cohesiveness and Psychological Distance Using Conformity Theory
Minjung Hong | 2020, 44(4) | pp.169~189 | number of Cited : 2
Analyzing the Role of Face Consciousness with regards to Deviant Behavior at Festivals
LEE KYUNG YUR , Lee, Hoon | 2020, 44(4) | pp.191~210 | number of Cited : 5