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2012, Vol., No.107

The Aspects of Commemorating Ceremonies for Taejo(Goryeo’s first king) and the Cult in the Goryeo Period
Jung-Soo Han | 2012, (107) | pp.1~44 | number of Cited : 40
Eastern Jurchen Pirates and their Invasions’ Unfolding during the 11th Century
Jeong, Yokeun | 2012, (107) | pp.45~88 | number of Cited : 20
A Study on Donggungsiwigongja(東宮侍衛公子) in Early Koryŏ Dynasty
Jaemyoung Kim | 2012, (107) | pp.89~123 | number of Cited : 7
Why did King Chungryol introduce the kesig system in Goryeo Korea?
KIM BO KWANG | 2012, (107) | pp.125~168 | number of Cited : 26
A Review on the First Appendix “Five Rites” of Sejong-Chronicle in Joseon
Kang Jae Hoon | 2012, (107) | pp.169~227 | number of Cited : 31
조선후기 對馬島와의 말[馬] 교역과 그 의미
Lee Seung Min | 2012, (107) | pp.229~269 | number of Cited : 14
朝鮮史의 편찬과 사건 선별 기준에 대하여 - 朝鮮史 제4․5․6편을 중심으로 -
Jeong, Sangwoo | 2012, (107) | pp.271~328 | number of Cited : 10