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2019, Vol., No.133

A review on Province(州)-Prefecture(郡)-Town(縣)system - understanding local administrative systems of Goguryeo -
JUNG HOSUB | 2019, (133) | pp.5~46 | number of Cited : 6
The Penal Administration(刑政)and Ibangbu(理方府) of Silla
HAN, YOUNGHWA | 2019, (133) | pp.47~80 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on《Tongdian》: Perception and Description of “Section of Baekje”
Song Young-Dae | 2019, (133) | pp.81~124 | number of Cited : 3
Narration of Unification of Three Kingdoms·North South States in the Textbook and Unification Education
Park, Mi-sun | 2019, (133) | pp.125~156 | number of Cited : 5
ChilDaeSaJuk(七代事跡) and TaejoSilrok(太祖實錄) in Goryeo dynasty
GapDong Kim | 2019, (133) | pp.157~186 | number of Cited : 3
The basic study on the Forest Policies of Goryeo Dynasty : Focused on changes in forest policy
Oh, Chi-Hoon | 2019, (133) | pp.187~218 | number of Cited : 4
Jinsang System in Goryeo and Gift Economy
Lee Jung Ran | 2019, (133) | pp.219~256 | number of Cited : 6
The characteristics of the Gwajeonbeop from the perspective of Susinjeon and Hyulyangjeon - Focused on the comparison between the Gubunjeon of the Jeonsigwa -
LEE MIN-WOO | 2019, (133) | pp.257~292 | number of Cited : 2
Weaving Labor of Women in the Joseon Dynasty through Spinning Process
Nam Mi-Hye | 2019, (133) | pp.293~326 | number of Cited : 2
The Construction of Seowons to Hold a Sacrificial Rite for Song Si-Yeol and Gwon Sang-Ha’s Roles in It
ko soo youn | 2019, (133) | pp.327~380 | number of Cited : 3
The tradition and style changes of Korean Beauty Paintings in the late Joseon dynasty:Focused on the collection of OCI Museum of 8-Folding screen ‘Paldomiindo’
Mi-Hyun Im | 2019, (133) | pp.381~418 | number of Cited : 2
The Discourse Aspects on the Righteous Army Movement and the Role of ‘Yangmin’ discourse during the Korean Empire Period - Focusing on 『the Korea Daily News』 and 『the Hwangseong Sinmun』 -
Kim Heonju | 2019, (133) | pp.419~456 | number of Cited : 2
Recognition of a Mixed Modern State between Kojong and Ilchinhoe
Kim Jong Jun | 2019, (133) | pp.457~502 | number of Cited : 7
A Macro Approach to Violence and Non-violence in the March First Movement
Hae Dong Yun | 2019, (133) | pp.503~546 | number of Cited : 11
The U.S.Forces in Korea and Local Community Relations(1964~1973) - Focusing on the Community Relations Program for the U.S. Soldiers -
KEUM Bowoon | 2019, (133) | pp.547~592 | number of Cited : 5