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2009, Vol.1, No.22

Satisfaction with Life and Social Capital: Centered on the effect of Civic Participation, Trust and Social Resources
Jung-Kyu Lee | 2009, 1(22) | pp.5~40 | number of Cited : 64
Contents Analysis on Expressing Principles of Justice in Lawmakers' Homepages for Cultivating Citizenship
Yeonsoo Shim | 2009, 1(22) | pp.41~67 | number of Cited : 1
Citizenship Education for Value Realization of the Democracy - focused on Rationality and Morality -
Oh Kwan-suk | 2009, 1(22) | pp.69~107 | number of Cited : 5
The Study on the New Recipient States Model and North Korea
LeeChoWon | 2009, 1(22) | pp.109~152 | number of Cited : 0
The Effects of Private Health Insurance Expenses on National Health System
Lee, Yongjae | 2009, 1(22) | pp.153~182 | number of Cited : 13
The Effect of Depression on the Quality of Life in Elderly with Disability
김형수 , Yong-Seob Kim | 2009, 1(22) | pp.183~215 | number of Cited : 43
A Study on the Influence of the Multi-Cultural Family in Korean Society
김갑석 | 2009, 1(22) | pp.217~256 | number of Cited : 14
Course Survey Response Patterns and Course Satisfaction
박혜숙 | 2009, 1(22) | pp.257~286 | number of Cited : 0
Teacher's discipline type and discipline effectiveness
Kim, DalHyo | 2009, 1(22) | pp.287~313 | number of Cited : 7
The Relationships among the Inter-Parental, Parent-Adolescent Consistency of Communication Style and Adolescents' Deviant Behaviors
김현주 , 손정희 | 2009, 1(22) | pp.315~342 | number of Cited : 6
Youngnang’s Poetic Word ‘jeuda’
Lee Dongseok | 2009, 1(22) | pp.343~365 | number of Cited : 0
'Renshengpai'`s Realism
고혜경 | 2009, 1(22) | pp.367~396 | number of Cited : 0