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2004, Vol.15, No.1

Web Archiving: What We Have Done and What We Should Do
Suh, Hye-ran | 2004, 15(1) | pp.5~22 | number of Cited : 12
A Study on Organizing the Web Using Facet Analysis
Yeong Jun Yoo | 2004, 15(1) | pp.23~41 | number of Cited : 8
A Study of Designing Semantic Web and Policy Directions for National Knowledge and Information Management
OH, SAM GYUN | 2004, 15(1) | pp.43~67 | number of Cited : 3
Outcomes and Problems of the Management Evaluation for Korean Public Libraries During 1998∼2003
정현태 | 2004, 15(1) | pp.69~89 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the Implementation of Institutional Repository based on Open Access
Hyekyong Hwang , Choi Seon Heui , 김혜선 | 2004, 15(1) | pp.91~116 | number of Cited : 13
Interlibrary use for e-journal: Current Issues and Suggestions
Ok Gyung Hwang , Lee Too-Young | 2004, 15(1) | pp.117~135 | number of Cited : 2
Future Scenarios of Scholarly Information Services in Academic Libraries
Mi-Kyeong Cha | 2004, 15(1) | pp.137~153 | number of Cited : 1
Characterization Strategies for Establishing City/County Records Centers in Kyonggi Region
Kim Iek Han | 2004, 15(1) | pp.155~175 | number of Cited : 1
A study on the Job Analysis and Curriculum Development of Technical Information Searcher with DACUM
Noh, Dongjo | 2004, 15(1) | pp.177~191 | number of Cited : 7
Libraries' Efforts to Preserve Intellectual Freedom and Baned Books
Myeong-Hee Lee | 2004, 15(1) | pp.193~216 | number of Cited : 10
An Analysis of the Recordkeeping Metadata Elements Based on ISO 15489 Requirements
Seol, Moon-won | 2004, 15(1) | pp.217~242 | number of Cited : 10
A Study of the Effectiveness of Academic Library User Education on Users' Information Literacy
Yoo,Jae-Ok | 2004, 15(1) | pp.243~260 | number of Cited : 7