This study, by case investigation of book review, one of user-participation services in university library, and questionnaire investigation on librarians, aims at suggesting current statuses, problems, and improvement. This study investigated the services performed at 35 4-year universities establishing the department of library and information science. This study, except 7 ones which doesn’t offer the service, investigated the service offered by 28 universities, classifying with 3 contents. As a result, the publicity and method in university library including event had an influence on use. This study was performed to increase participation rate and to promote reading activity. This study judged that book review is indispensible to university libraries. Libraries presented the opinions that, for the purpose of promoting active book review, libraries have to perform positive publicity, attractive event, support in the level of schools, librarians’ wills, expansion of discussion cultures, offer of unified book review among universities, and linkage method with other organization reading program.