Libraries are experiencing numerous modifications to multifunctional spaces in response to the declaration of WHO pandemic. Most libraries throughout the globe have reported their closures, including national libraries in every country, and most established facing services have been transformed to untact services. However, the breadth of the service varies by local autonomous entity and library, making it difficult for librarians to act according to their conviction, and also users are feeling inconvenienced. As a result, this study used a user perception survey to determine the extent of non-face-to-face services in the library and to suggest the direction of operation of non-face-to-face services in a pandemic condition. To that purpose, beginning February 12, 2020, an online survey of library customers in 37 public libraries was performed for about three weeks, and the 117 replies were examined using the SPSS statistics tool to perform frequency analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis, and reliability analysis. By the survey and data survey results, it was recommended that library services be re-established in the direction of non-face-to-face library service operation, that library non-face-to-face services be expanded, that user education be conducted, that non-face-to-face services be promoted, and that user opinions be collected.