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2021, Vol.32, No.4

A Study on the Operating Conditions of Lecture Contents in Contactless Online Classes for University Students
Jong-Moon Lee | 2021, 32(4) | pp.5~24 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Improvement of Services and Promotion Based on User Perception Analysis of the National Knowledge Information System (NKIS)
Younghee Noh , Inho Chang , Ji Hei Kang and 1 other persons | 2021, 32(4) | pp.25~46 | number of Cited : 0
Case Study of Usability Evaluation and Improvement Plan for Open Access Academic Publishing Support Interface
Lee, Jeong-Mee , Hyekyong Hwang | 2021, 32(4) | pp.47~66 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on Development of SKOS-based Metadata Elements for Managing Keywords in the National Science and Technology Standard Classification System
Song min-sun , Park Jin Ho | 2021, 32(4) | pp.67~88 | number of Cited : 1
Task Analysis of E-Book Service Academic Librarians Based on Activity Theory
Cho Yebon , Jongwook Lee | 2021, 32(4) | pp.89~109 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the maDMP (machine-actionable DMP) Implementation Cases and its Application Method
KIm Ju-Seop , Kim Sun Tae , Yeonjung Han and 1 other persons | 2021, 32(4) | pp.111~134 | number of Cited : 0
Analyses of Public Library User Experiences using Customer Experience Management (CEM) Perspective: Focused a Public Library in Goyang City
leegoeun , Ji-Hong Park | 2021, 32(4) | pp.135~159 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of Public Library Untact Service Operation Way Based on a User Perception Survey
Dayoung Yun , Younghee Noh | 2021, 32(4) | pp.161~188 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Usage Behavior of Public Library Website through an Analysis of Web Traffic
Munsil Kang , Kim, Seonghee | 2021, 32(4) | pp.189~212 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Establishment and Administration Strategies of Shared Repositories for Academic Libraries: Focus on the US ReCAP Project
Yunkeum Chang , JEON KYUNGSUN | 2021, 32(4) | pp.213~229 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on MZ Generation’s Information Seeking Behavior of Contents Platforms: Focused on Information Users in the Field of Science, Technology, and Information
Suhyeon Yoo , Hyunjung Kim , Mi-Hwan Hyun | 2021, 32(4) | pp.231~263 | number of Cited : 10