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2002, Vol.33, No.

Evaluation for the Site Characteristics and Spatial Functions Needed for Proper Performance of the Urban Area in the City
정현 | 2002, 33 | pp.1~20 | number of Cited : 0
An Application of Hierarchical Linear Models for the Evaluation of Housing Price
Juyoung Kim , 김주후 | 2002, 33 | pp.2~34 | number of Cited : 16
A Study on a Conceptual Model for National Urban Planning Information System
염형민 , Lee Seung Il , 전유신 | 2002, 33 | pp.3~54 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Urban Residents’ Values of Open Space
손상락 , 윤병구 | 2002, 33 | pp.4~71 | number of Cited : 0
The Role and Task of Urban Planning for Building Social Capital : Approaches and Policy Implications
Suh Soon-Tak | 2002, 33 | pp.5~87 | number of Cited : 48
Mode Choice Factors of the Elderly
Nam-Geon Cho , Yun, Dae-Sic | 2002, 33 | pp.8~144 | number of Cited : 27
A Study on the Calculation Unit of Demand for Logistics Facilities
김경석 | 2002, 33 | pp.9~158 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Index Development of Website’s Evaluation in Public Sector : Focused on Critical Review of Website’s Evaluation Trends
김태진 , 이재성 , 김건위 | 2002, 33 | pp.10~173 | number of Cited : 15
An Analysis of Land Use Change in the Urban Fringe Using GIS and Logistic Regression in Korea
Jung-HoonKim | 2002, 33 | pp.11~200 | number of Cited : 2
Comparative Analysis of the Optimum Firm Location Under Profit Maximizing and Expense Preference Approach
Ji-ChungYang | 2002, 33 | pp.12~214 | number of Cited : 0
Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit und der Zukunftsbestaendigkeit fuer die Koreanische Raumentwicklungsplanung
Kyung - Chae Chung | 2002, 33 | pp.13~233 | number of Cited : 0