The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of translating a religious ritual into a ritualistic dance work by analyzing the Buddhist ritual called Yook Bub Gong Yang and to examine its meanings and values. Introducing the theoretical backgrounds of Yook Bub Gong Yang , the researcher analyzes two ritualistic dances, Yook Bub Gong Yang and Heon Moo Da Rae , choreographed by the researcher in 2003 and 2008 respectively. This research examines the experimental implementation of the Buddhist traditionality and spirituality through the ritualistic dances based on the study of the Buddhist rites, Yook Bub Gong Yang. Yook Bub Gong Yang outlines 1) the diversity of religious rites, 2) inclusion of Gamuak(Song, Dance, and Music), 3) the composition of Yook Ba Ra Mil’s symbolism, 4) the movement based on the Buddhist universe, 5) development of creative dance movement methods in accordance with the Buddhist ritual dance, and 6) costumes that represent the symbols of Buddhism and Saek-Dong, the Korean traditional multicolored stripes.