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2002, Vol.26, No.3

Structural Model Building and Its Validation for Tourist Destination Development
song jae ho , Sungsoo Jang | 2002, 26(3) | pp.11~31 | number of Cited : 10
Analysis of Role Changes among Stakeholders in the Kumgangsan Tourism Development: Based on Wright’s Model of Intergovernmental Relations
Kim, Nam Jo | 2002, 26(3) | pp.33~52 | number of Cited : 14
Impact of Cultural Events on Local Economies: An Income Multiplier Analysis of Kyongju Exposition
Kim Kyu-Ho | 2002, 26(3) | pp.53~72 | number of Cited : 12
A Value Evaluation? for Permanent Event Place of Kyongju World Culture Expo Park Using Fuzzy Model
WooHee Byun | 2002, 26(3) | pp.73~91 | number of Cited : 3
Structural Changes of Neighborhood Tourist Visitation Vis-a-vis Increasing Casino Gamblers: The Case of Gangwon Land Casino Areas
Euiseon Jeong , Kyungsook Kim | 2002, 26(3) | pp.93~108 | number of Cited : 3
Impacts of Rafting Recreationers Influx to the Communities Concerned
장호찬 | 2002, 26(3) | pp.109~132 | number of Cited : 7
Single and Multiple Destination Choice in Travel Cost Model
김재석 , 김재영 | 2002, 26(3) | pp.133~149 | number of Cited : 18
Utilization of GIS for a Comprehensive Monitoring of Tourism Events
Young Joo Lee , Choi, Seung-Dam | 2002, 26(3) | pp.151~165 | number of Cited : 13
Strategies for Developing Coastal Tourism
박구원 , 이수옥 | 2002, 26(3) | pp.167~190 | number of Cited : 25
A Structural Equation Model on Visual Preference of Buildings in Resorts
Yeo,Jung-Tae , Ko, Dong Wan | 2002, 26(3) | pp.191~209 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on Tourists Shopping Behavior
김대관 | 2002, 26(3) | pp.211~232 | number of Cited : 24
Westerners’ Travel to Early Chosun During Korean Enlightenment Age: A Historical overview
HanKyongSoo | 2002, 26(3) | pp.233~253 | number of Cited : 15
Disciplinary Power and Tourism: Foucault’s Genealogical Approach
Kwang-Eik Cho | 2002, 26(3) | pp.255~278 | number of Cited : 22
The Concept and Measurement Scale of Job-Esteem The Case of Undergraduates Majoring Tourism Studies
고동우 , Chun, Byung-gil | 2002, 26(3) | pp.279~297 | number of Cited : 104
Determinants of Franchise in the Hotel Industry: A Budget Hotel Franchising
Cho, Min-Ho , 전미숙 | 2002, 26(3) | pp.299~320 | number of Cited : 5
The Effects of Tour Wholesaler’s Relationship Characteristics to Tour Retailer on Trust and Repurchase Intention
LeeNarkKwee | 2002, 26(3) | pp.321~338 | number of Cited : 27