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2010, Vol.34, No.6

Politicalization of Tourism Research: The Meaning Transformation of ‘Green Tourism’
Kwang-Eik Cho , Lee Don-jae | 2010, 34(6) | pp.11~36 | number of Cited : 8
What is Green Tourism? Its Concept and Meaning
Ko, Dong Wan , 김현정 , 김진태 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.37~58 | number of Cited : 18
Reinterpretation of the Meaning of Speculation in Gambling. An Approach From the Concept of Play and Gambling
박미숙 , Lee, Hoon , 이영진 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.59~83 | number of Cited : 19
The Role of the Civil Society and the Local Gaze of Tourism in the Creative City of Jeonju: A Grounded Theory Approach
허문경 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.85~104 | number of Cited : 11
The Relationship Between Industrial Tourism and Regional Brand Equity: A Focus on the Vernacular Industry of Jeonbuk Province
김효경 , Beom-Soo Han | 2010, 34(6) | pp.105~126 | number of Cited : 8
A Proposal for the Establishment of Integrated Cultural Area of Jeollabuk-Do in Conjunction with Tourism Development Plan
정명희 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.127~147 | number of Cited : 1
Identifying the Determinants of Food Tourism Behavior : A Focus on Impact of the Placeness and Involvement
Seunghyun Park , 서용석 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.149~169 | number of Cited : 37
The Effect Visitor Motivation on Satisfaction and Revisit Intention among Literary Tourists
Bo-Young Moon , Lee, Jung-Won , Sangmi Lee | 2010, 34(6) | pp.171~190 | number of Cited : 11
The Socio-cultural Meaning of Shopping Mall as an Urban Leisure Space: A Social Construction of Space Approach
Changsup Shim , 서용석 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.191~210 | number of Cited : 25
Visitors' Perceived Crowding at a Traditional Buddhist Temple and their Preference toward the Method of Visitor Dispersion and Entrance Fee System: A Case of the Bulguksa Temple Visitors
Park, Joung-Koo , 이종원 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.211~230 | number of Cited : 4
A Method of Developing Environmental Input-Output Table Using the Amount of Greenhouse-Gas Emission in the Tourism Industry
Kim, Sang-Tae , Kim, Nam Jo | 2010, 34(6) | pp.231~247 | number of Cited : 3
The influence of Neo-Han Ryu on Revisit Intention Among Japanese and Chinese Visitors: An Exploration of the Moderating Effect of Psychological Involvement within the TPB Framework
정희진 , Lee Gyehee | 2010, 34(6) | pp.249~270 | number of Cited : 63
An Examination of the Structural Relationships among Brand Recognition, Destination Image and Destination Loyalty: A Case of the Slow City Chungsando Visitors
한지숙 , 현용호 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.273~290 | number of Cited : 22
The Impact of Knowledge Management on the Industrial Performance of Local Festival
Ahn, Hyeon-Mo , Kim, Kyung Sook | 2010, 34(6) | pp.291~311 | number of Cited : 5
Theoretical Conceptualization of Overseas Residents' Homeland Tourism and their Travel Motivation
Kim Jae Hak , lim jae moon | 2010, 34(6) | pp.313~332 | number of Cited : 4
Low Cost Carrier Passengers' Evaluation on the Attribute of Airline Service Using Importance-Performance Analysis
KANG HYE-SOOK , Hagchin Han | 2010, 34(6) | pp.333~350 | number of Cited : 13
The Relationship between Lifestyle Types, Preferred Types of Travel and Attributes of Travel Destination, and Information Source among Special Interest Tourists
Choi Young Ki , 홍영호 | 2010, 34(6) | pp.351~374 | number of Cited : 17
A Comparison between Recreation and Pathological Gamblers in the Structural Relationships among Gambling Motivation, Passion, Affect, and Behavioral Intention
Lee Choong-Ki , Ki-Joon Back | 2010, 34(6) | pp.375~396 | number of Cited : 33
A Study on the Ways to Enhance Intercultural Communication Competence through Tourism English Education
Min, Chang-Kee | 2010, 34(6) | pp.397~415 | number of Cited : 11