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2011, Vol.35, No.3

The Effect of Ethical Work Climate on Person - Environment Fit, Organizational Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the Hotel Food Service Context
이두진 , Lee, Yong-ki , Jung, Hyelyun and 1 other persons | 2011, 35(3) | pp.13~36 | number of Cited : 17
Country Classification Scheme on Asia Foodservice Market
한경수 , 신선화 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.37~55 | number of Cited : 1
The Influence of Brand Personality on Satisfaction and Loyalty in Coffeeshop Industry: A Focus on the Mediating Effect of Brand Congruency
김상희 , 김민화 , Park Jae Min | 2011, 35(3) | pp.57~83 | number of Cited : 51
Examining the Effect of Wedding Planner's Job Characteristics on Job Attitude and Intention to Turnover
lim jae moon , 송영석 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.85~109 | number of Cited : 7
The Effects of Dining-out Values on Customer Satisfaction: A Comparison between Mature Consumers and Non-Mature Customers
남궁영 , 유원위 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.111~132 | number of Cited : 14
The Impact of LOHAS Image of Korean Food on Quality, Satisfaction, and Behavior Intention: A Case Study of Chinese Tourists Visiting Korea
Lee, Ae-Ja , Kim Hong Bin , Sukbin Cha | 2011, 35(3) | pp.133~153 | number of Cited : 22
Importance and Performance of Franchisor's Support Services: A Comparison Based on Foodservice Franchisor and Franchisee's Life-Cycle Stage
Lee, Dong-Cheul , Chong,Yu-kyeong | 2011, 35(3) | pp.155~175 | number of Cited : 7
The Structural Relationship among Work-family Conflict, Social Support, Burnout, and Job Satisfaction of Hotel Employees
강태완 , Hyun Gye-Dam , Moon-Soo Cho | 2011, 35(3) | pp.177~199 | number of Cited : 28
Examining the Structure Relationship between the Perception of Cultural Marketing, Brand Equity and Royalty among Coffeeshop Users
Noh, Jeonghee , 장한별 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.201~223 | number of Cited : 58
The Impact of Convention Destination Image on Intention to Recommend: The Moderating Effect of Convention Destination Personality
Lee, Hey-ryon , Yoon Yooshik | 2011, 35(3) | pp.225~241 | number of Cited : 28
The Effect of Coffee Shop Customers' Experiential Value on Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty: A Focus on the Moderating Effect of Brand Nationality
Hyung-Min Choi , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2011, 35(3) | pp.243~266 | number of Cited : 171
A Cross-cultural Analysis on the Evaluation of the Hotel Brand Equity: A Comparison between Individualism and Collectivism
Lee Tae Sook , 김철원 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.267~286 | number of Cited : 7
An Evaluation of Slow City Tourism Development: A Focus on the Case of Jeungdo
강신겸 , 도경록 | 2011, 35(3) | pp.287~306 | number of Cited : 8
An Examination of the Relationship between Serious Leisure Tendency and Leisure Motivation
정철 , 고미영 , Oh Sang-Hoon | 2011, 35(3) | pp.307~327 | number of Cited : 25
A Study on Improvement of Key Performance Indicator(KPI) for Performance Management of Golf Operating Company
Koo, Wonil | 2011, 35(3) | pp.329~348 | number of Cited : 2