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2013, Vol.37, No.2

A Study of Urban Park Visitors' Value Pursuit Using the Laddering Method
Jee-eun Lim , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2013, 37(2) | pp.11~29 | number of Cited : 8
Spatial Distribution and Spatial Autocorrelation on Amenity Resources
Yun, Hee Jeong | 2013, 37(2) | pp.31~53 | number of Cited : 10
Factors that Influence the Number of Tourists:Focusing on Domestic Tourist Attractions
chung-seung-ho | 2013, 37(2) | pp.55~78 | number of Cited : 5
The Impact of Local Festival Characteristics on Visitor Expenditure:Focusing on the Cultural Tourism Festivals during 2007 - 2011
김윤아 , 윤세헌 , Hyung-Deok Shin | 2013, 37(2) | pp.79~94 | number of Cited : 8
Development and Validation of the E-CRM Activity Scale in Travel Agencies
Hwang Soo Young | 2013, 37(2) | pp.95~117 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on the Adoption of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)in ERP System of Travel Agency
강도용 , Kim Chulwon | 2013, 37(2) | pp.119~140 | number of Cited : 13
Relationship Between Supply Chain Integration amongMedical Tourism Corporations and their Performances:Role of Internal and External Factors as Moderate Variables
Jo, Seung-A , Choi, Seung-Dam | 2013, 37(2) | pp.141~161 | number of Cited : 5
Effects of Participation Constraints on Tourists’ Attitudetoward Marine Tourism
Oh Sang-Hoon , LEE YU RA , 정규렬 | 2013, 37(2) | pp.163~185 | number of Cited : 26
The Study of the Effects of On-line Social Network Service Differenceson Customer Satisfaction and Intention of Use:Focused on the Extended Technology Acceptance Model
Sung, Hye-Jin , Ko, JaeYoun | 2013, 37(2) | pp.187~211 | number of Cited : 70
Differences of Perceived Constraints and Negotiation Strategiesby the Level of Camping Specialization
이영란 , Kim, Hyoung-gon , Oh Chi-Ok | 2013, 37(2) | pp.213~232 | number of Cited : 31
A Study on Customers' Relational Benefit, Relational Quality,and Long-term Relationship Orientationof Economy Franchise Hotel Chains in China
동려민 , Lee,Jung-Ja | 2013, 37(2) | pp.233~254 | number of Cited : 9
An Exploratory Study on Convention Standardization:Grounded Theory Approach
Lee, Hey-ryon , Yoon Yooshik | 2013, 37(2) | pp.255~277 | number of Cited : 10
Effects of the City Tour's Attractivenesson the Preference for the Linked Tour Programs
jungsunja | 2013, 37(2) | pp.279~298 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Factors for the Preference and Satisfactionof the Korean Fusion Menu
강혜정 | 2013, 37(2) | pp.299~323 | number of Cited : 6
The Moderating Role of Attitude in the Relationship between Travel Risk Perception and Hesitation when Making Travel Decisions: Generation Y
Park, Eunkyung , Choi Byoung-Kil | 2013, 37(2) | pp.325~345 | number of Cited : 15