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2014, Vol.38, No.5

Reconstitution of Nami Island as a Tourism space
Yoo, Kwang-Min | 2014, 38(5) | pp.13~35 | number of Cited : 2
Analyzing Behavior Tracking and Movement Patterns of Walking Tourists in Urban Village Streets Using Smart Phone Application
박미현 , Yun, Hee Jeong | 2014, 38(5) | pp.37~58 | number of Cited : 12
Sustainable Management Plan of Eco-tourism Resources Using System Thinking: A Case Study of Bamseom in Seoul
Choi, Yun Eui , You, Soojin , Ham, Eun-Kyung and 2 other persons | 2014, 38(5) | pp.59~78 | number of Cited : 12
A Critical Review of Existential Authenticity in Tourism
Kim, Young-Rae , Byungwoong Chung | 2014, 38(5) | pp.79~99 | number of Cited : 11
The Effects of An Empirical Analysis of the FDI on the Service Industry in Korea: A Granger Causality Test
Hong, MI-Young | 2014, 38(5) | pp.101~120 | number of Cited : 4
The Factor Structure of a Festival Experiences
Hwang, Hee-Jeong , Lee, Hoon | 2014, 38(5) | pp.121~138 | number of Cited : 17
The Differences of Adolescence's Leisure ActivitiesDepending on the Parent's Socio-Economic Status
Cho, Jae-Hyun , Lee, Sang-Hoon , Ko, Dong Wan | 2014, 38(5) | pp.139~158 | number of Cited : 3
The Structural Relationships between the Post Tourist’s Gaze and their Outdoor Recreation Participation on Decision Making Process
Kim Jinok Susanna , Kim, Nam Jo | 2014, 38(5) | pp.159~183 | number of Cited : 38
Attitudinal Differences of Slow City's Attribute Importance, Perceived Crowding and Coping Behavior based the Type of Wellness Lifestyles
Park, Jong-Sun , Park, Joung-Koo | 2014, 38(5) | pp.185~205 | number of Cited : 15
The Relationship between Social Capital and Community Integration in Rural Tourism Development: Focused on Interviews with Rural Community Leaders
PARK YONGSOON | 2014, 38(5) | pp.207~228 | number of Cited : 15
Investigation of the Different Roles of Tourist Motivations and Travel Career on Disabled Tourists' Decision Making Types
LEE, BONGKOO | 2014, 38(5) | pp.229~252 | number of Cited : 21
An Analysis of Volunteer’s Behavioral Intention Using An ExtendedTheory of Planned Behavior
Seolmin Yoon , Shin, Chang-Youl , Lee Choong-Ki | 2014, 38(5) | pp.253~276 | number of Cited : 55
Analysing the Effects of the Smart-phone App in Changing Visitors’ Attitudes toward Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Application of a Quasi-field Experiment Design
Yun, Ja-Yon , SEOHO UM | 2014, 38(5) | pp.279~289 | number of Cited : 3