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2015, Vol.39, No.10

The Diffusion Stage of Korean Food by the Food Acculturation Type of Married Female Immigrants
김현미 , HAN KYUNG SOO | 2015, 39(10) | pp.13~32 | number of Cited : 5
A Research on Visual Merchandising Components of the Food Court in the Department Store using IPA
정소진 , Cha, Sung-Mi , Il-Sun Yang | 2015, 39(10) | pp.33~49 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on Practical Methodology for International Conference Invited Speaker’s Contract
하재원 , Kim, ChungAh | 2015, 39(10) | pp.51~69 | number of Cited : 0
Service Blueprint of the Young Kids Customers’ Specialized In-flight Service Utilizing Kano Model Analysis
Kim, In-sin , 봉유미 , Cho, Min-Ho | 2015, 39(10) | pp.71~90 | number of Cited : 14
A Development of Hotel-Mentoring Function Index (H-MFI) for Employees
정욱 , Kim, Sung Hyuk , Han, Hee-sup | 2015, 39(10) | pp.91~106 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Awareness of Korea Tourism through Big Data Analysis
Ick-Keun Oh , Lee Tae Sook , chaeman Jun | 2015, 39(10) | pp.107~126 | number of Cited : 174
The Effect of Prosocial Motivations on Positive and Negative Consequences in Tourists’ Use of Social Media: The Moderating Effects of Harmonious and Obsessive Passion
Hyunae Lee , CHUNG NAMHO | 2015, 39(10) | pp.127~147 | number of Cited : 9
Factors Influencing Willingness to Pay a Price Premium for Travel Products of Social Enterprise
KIM MIN HYUNG , Hwang, Yeong Hyeon | 2015, 39(10) | pp.149~161 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Casino Job Training on Education Satisfaction and Job Commitment: Based on Dealer in Kangwon Land
Shin Dong Ju , 김호생 | 2015, 39(10) | pp.163~179 | number of Cited : 15
Research Trend of Cruise tourism in South Korea: Systematic Review Approach
Lee hyunju , Kyongmo Lee | 2015, 39(10) | pp.181~199 | number of Cited : 17
Who Shares Travel Information on Social Media?: A Study of Travel Information Sharing Behaviors according to Narcissistic Propensity
Han, Jin-Seong , Yejin Lee , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2015, 39(10) | pp.201~216 | number of Cited : 14
Differences of Mental Health between Serious Leisure Participants and Casual Leisure Participants
Ko, Dong Woo , 정소정 | 2015, 39(10) | pp.217~237 | number of Cited : 23