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2016, Vol.40, No.1

The Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees’ Trust, Commitment, Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention
ARam Jung , Ryu, Ki Sang | 2016, 40(1) | pp.13~28 | number of Cited : 46
An Examination of the Relationship between Technology-Organization-Environment Factors and their Performance at a Smart Exhibition: Mediating Effects of Collaboration Activities
Sunyoung Hlee , 이지민 , CHUNG NAMHO and 1 other persons | 2016, 40(1) | pp.29~50 | number of Cited : 5
Influential Factors on the Cognition of Tourism Destination Advertising by Selective Attention
Jeong, Hyun-Woo , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2016, 40(1) | pp.51~66 | number of Cited : 1
Identifying Tourism Service Failures in the Travel Chain by the Types of the Disabled Tourists’ Embodiment: An Application of Critical Incident Technique
LEE, BONGKOO , LEE YOU-HA | 2016, 40(1) | pp.67~91 | number of Cited : 5
Investigating the Influence of Corporate Philanthropy by Franchise Coffee Brands on Corporate Image, Brand Attitude, and Behavior Intension: The Case of Starbucks
Yoon, Tae-Hwan | 2016, 40(1) | pp.93~110 | number of Cited : 33
A Dilemma of Tourism Development and Environment Conservation over the Permission Policy of Cable Cars Construction in National Park: Focusing on the Frame Collision of Utilitarianism and Protected Values
Shim Won-sup | 2016, 40(1) | pp.111~132 | number of Cited : 9
Activation Strategies of the 20th BIFF using Social Big Data Text Mining Analysis
Han, Jin-Seong , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2016, 40(1) | pp.133~145 | number of Cited : 61
A Study on the Perceptual Differences to Corporate Social Responsibility of Casino Corporation between the Organizational Employees and Local Resident Groups: Focused on the Co - orientation Model
신동재 , Youn Taek Lee | 2016, 40(1) | pp.147~165 | number of Cited : 10
The Impact on the Wellness Value of a Healing Program and its Influence on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Overall Life Satisfaction: Focusing on the Participants’ of ‘Forest Healing’ Program
이진의 , Kim, Nam Jo | 2016, 40(1) | pp.167~183 | number of Cited : 42
Coastal Cruise’s Safety Service Strategy
문보영 , Yang, Soung-hoon | 2016, 40(1) | pp.185~198 | number of Cited : 8
An Exploration Study about Memory Formation based on On - site Experience in the Cross - cultural Tourism Context
SANG SENYAO , Lee, injae | 2016, 40(1) | pp.199~210 | number of Cited : 6
Effects of Service Quality on Perceived Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention: Focus on Hanok Guesthouse
Park, Yung-Jin , Yang, Jae-Young | 2016, 40(1) | pp.211~228 | number of Cited : 50