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2010, Vol.15, No.9

CHARMS: A Mapping Heuristic to Explore an Optimal Partitioning in HW/SW Co-Design
Olufemi , Jeong-A Lee | 2010, 15(9) | pp.1~8 | number of Cited : 1
Development of the SQL/MM Standard for Metadata Registries
Dongwon Jeong , 정혜진 , Jangwon Gim and 2 other persons | 2010, 15(9) | pp.9~18 | number of Cited : 4
Traffic Signal Control using Fuzzy Reasoning Rule
Kim, Kwang-baek | 2010, 15(9) | pp.19~24 | number of Cited : 2
Retouching Method for Watercolor Painting Effect Using Mean Shift Segmentation
Lee Sang-Geol , Kim Cheol-Ki , CHA,EUI-YOUNG | 2010, 15(9) | pp.25~33 | number of Cited : 2
Mining Frequent Sequential Patterns over Sequence Data Streams with a Gap-Constraint
장중혁 | 2010, 15(9) | pp.35~46 | number of Cited : 0
Integer Programming-based Local Search Technique for Linear Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problem
Junha Hwang , Kim, Sung-Young | 2010, 15(9) | pp.47~55 | number of Cited : 3
Implementation of Efficient Container Number Recognition System at Automatic Transfer Crane in Container Terminal Yard
Donghee Hong | 2010, 15(9) | pp.57~65 | number of Cited : 3
Image-based Water Level Measurement Method Adapting to Ruler's Surface Condition
Jaedo Kim , Youngjun Han , Hernsoo Hahn | 2010, 15(9) | pp.67~76 | number of Cited : 7
Concept of Information Architecture on Digital TV based on User Thought
현혜정 , Il Ju, Ko | 2010, 15(9) | pp.77~85 | number of Cited : 1
Traceability Management Model Supporting Safety Critical Transaction of Livestock Products
최인영 , 정순기 | 2010, 15(9) | pp.87~97 | number of Cited : 3
An Efficient Management Model of Security Policy in the Unified Threat Management System
주헌식 , 김종완 | 2010, 15(9) | pp.99~107 | number of Cited : 3
A Secure and Efficient RFID Tag Search Protocol Protecting Mobile Reader's Privacy
최현우 , 여돈구 , 장재훈 and 1 other persons | 2010, 15(9) | pp.109~117 | number of Cited : 1
Design of General-Purpose Middleware for QoS Guaranteed Context-Aware Services on USN Environment
김광훈 , 최운수 , 이태우 and 3 other persons | 2010, 15(9) | pp.119~128 | number of Cited : 1
Ubiquitous healthcare model based on context recognition
Kim Jeong-won | 2010, 15(9) | pp.129~136 | number of Cited : 2
An Analysis of Learning Effect by Computer Programming Areas based on Leveled Intense and Supplementary Learning
Ahn You-Jung , Kim Kyung-Ah | 2010, 15(9) | pp.137~144 | number of Cited : 1
Designing Effective Prototypes for Establishing an e-Learning Center
Jang Seok-Woo , 허문행 | 2010, 15(9) | pp.145~153 | number of Cited : 0
An Empirical Study on Factors and Degrees of EDI Diffusion
최도원 , SeongYoon Shin , 김남석 | 2010, 15(9) | pp.155~164 | number of Cited : 2
A Framework to Evaluate Communication Quality of Operators in Nuclear Power Plants Using Cosine Similarity
김승환 , Jinkyun Park , HanSangyong | 2010, 15(9) | pp.165~172 | number of Cited : 3