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2010, Vol.15, No.11

Thermal Analysis of 3D Multi-core Processors with Dynamic Frequency Scaling
증민 , 박영진 , Jeong-A Lee and 2 other persons | 2010, 15(11) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 0
A Global XQuery Query Processing based on Local XQuery Query Generation
Jong-Hyun Park , Wonik Park , Kim, Young-Kuk and 1 other persons | 2010, 15(11) | pp.11~20 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Characteristics of Opinion Retrieval Using Term Statistical Analysis in Opinion Documents
한경수 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.21~29 | number of Cited : 0
An ROI Coding Technique of JPEG2000 Image Including Some Arbitrary ROI
홍석원 , KimSangBok , Seo Yeong Geon | 2010, 15(11) | pp.31~39 | number of Cited : 1
Noise Removal using Fuzzy Mask Filter
이상준 , Seokhyun Yoon , Kim, Kwang-baek | 2010, 15(11) | pp.41~45 | number of Cited : 2
Intelligent Navigation Information Fusion Using Fuzzy Expert System
김도연 , 이미라 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.47~56 | number of Cited : 1
A Mechanism of CAS Client Personalization through separating CAS Service of Protocol A.1 on TTA.KO-07.0079 XCAS
Youngmo Kim , 최용락 , 장은겸 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.57~66 | number of Cited : 0
An Improved Face Detection Method Using a Hybrid of Hausdorff and LBP Distance
박성천 , 구자영 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.67~73 | number of Cited : 0
Edge Feature Extract CBIRS for Car Retrieval : CBIRS/EFI
Koo Gun Seo | 2010, 15(11) | pp.75~82 | number of Cited : 4
Development of Convergence Study Program for Community Child Welfare Center linked Green Growth Using Pico-Cricket
허정호 , 남동수 , Lee Taewuk | 2010, 15(11) | pp.83~90 | number of Cited : 3
Development of User Music Recognition System For Online Music Management Service
성보경 , Il Ju, Ko | 2010, 15(11) | pp.91~99 | number of Cited : 3
An ID Mashup Service for the Interoperability of Soundsource Identification Infrastructures
주용완 , 백형종 , 김윤정 and 2 other persons | 2010, 15(11) | pp.101~107 | number of Cited : 1
Techniques on Multi-Marker for the Implementation of Augmented Reality
김학희 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.109~116 | number of Cited : 6
An Integrated Management Scheme for Wired and Wireless Networks Using Mobile Agents
나호진 , Kyungsan CHO | 2010, 15(11) | pp.117~124 | number of Cited : 0
A Policy-based Resource Management Framework for QoS Improvement of Mobile Terminals in heterogeneous Network
이계임 , 정순기 , 이종찬 and 1 other persons | 2010, 15(11) | pp.125~133 | number of Cited : 2
Segment-based Buffer Management for Multi-level Streaming Service in the Proxy System
Chong-Deuk Lee | 2010, 15(11) | pp.135~142 | number of Cited : 2
An integrated framework of security tool selection using fuzzy regression and physical programming
Hoai-Vu Nguyen , Pauline Kongsuwan , SHIN SANGMUN and 2 other persons | 2010, 15(11) | pp.143~156 | number of Cited : 0
RI-RSA system design to increase security between nodes in RFID/USN environments
Seon-Keun Lee | 2010, 15(11) | pp.157~162 | number of Cited : 0
A Time Constraints Permission Based Delegation Model in RBAC
김태식 , 장태무 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.163~171 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Factors Influencing RFID Diffusion: In the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion Theory
Sunghee Jang | 2010, 15(11) | pp.173~183 | number of Cited : 4
Design and Implementation of Context-Aware Computing System based on UPnP Sensor Network
김종판 , AmSuk Oh | 2010, 15(11) | pp.185~193 | number of Cited : 0
The Goods Recommendation System based on modified FP-Tree Algorithm
김종희 , 정순기 | 2010, 15(11) | pp.205~213 | number of Cited : 2
Prediction of SNP interactions in complex diseases with mutual information and boolean algebra
임상섭 , Kyubum Wee | 2010, 15(11) | pp.215~224 | number of Cited : 1
Estimating the Determinants for Transaction Value of B2B (Business-to-Business): A Panel Data Model
Kim Hee Chul , Shin Hyun Dai | 2010, 15(11) | pp.225~231 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the model found of the duty factor whom follows in old person welfare facility worker holding office duration and organized performance research
Woo-Hong Cho | 2010, 15(11) | pp.233~239 | number of Cited : 0