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2020, Vol.27, No.2

Letter from the Editor
Soo Wan Kim | 2020, 27(2) | pp.1~3 | number of Cited : 0
Social Exclusion in Public Sector: A Qualitative Case Study of Employees of Special Post Offices
Seungjun Lee , Kim, Juri | 2020, 27(2) | pp.7~44 | number of Cited : 0
What Makes Personal Care Workers Stay Long at Long Term Care Facilities? Findings from Administrative Big Data at National Health Insurance Service
Hee Seung Lee , Jung Suk Lee , Yeongwoo Park | 2020, 27(2) | pp.45~70 | number of Cited : 14
Multiculturalism May Work, but Not Always: A Comparative Social Policy Perspective on the Educational Performance of Immigrants
Yang Kyung-Eun , Seung-Hwan Ham | 2020, 27(2) | pp.71~92 | number of Cited : 8
Long-term Changes in the Extractive and Redistributive Capacity of the South Korean State, 1965-2017: An Analysis of the Tax Revenue, Tax Structure, and Tax-Welfare Complex Using the Methodology of Ideal Type
Jin-Wook Shin | 2020, 27(2) | pp.93~124 | number of Cited : 2
Poverty Duration and Exit of the Working Elderly Poor: Implications for the Senior Job Program
Ji, Eun Jeong | 2020, 27(2) | pp.125~162 | number of Cited : 14
Old-age Income Security of Precarious Workers: Simulation Analysis of South Korean Precarious Workers’ Pension Benefit
Yunyoung Kim | 2020, 27(2) | pp.163~195 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on Type of Korea’s Local Employment Policy and Characteristics
LEE SANG A | 2020, 27(2) | pp.197~227 | number of Cited : 3
Universal Health Care at the Crossroad: An Evaluation on the Privatization Trend in Canadian Medicare
Cho Young Hoon | 2020, 27(2) | pp.229~253 | number of Cited : 0
An Analysis on the Effectiveness of aid Fragmentation Based on the Level of Economic Growth of Recipients
Moonyoung Joe , Suk-Won Lee | 2020, 27(2) | pp.255~280 | number of Cited : 1