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2020, Vol.15, No.4

Smart Entrance Control System Using Face Recognition and OTAC
Soon-Chul Baek , Hong,In-Sik | 2020, 15(4) | pp.451~461 | number of Cited : 2
A Dynamic Recommendation Architecture and Procedure Based on Elasticsearch
Jeong, JiHyun , Kim Chul Jin | 2020, 15(4) | pp.463~472 | number of Cited : 2
Implementation and Design of Wideband Coupler Composed of Multi-stage Branch Line
Doo-Yeong Yang | 2020, 15(4) | pp.473~480 | number of Cited : 0
Effects of Coupling Reduction between Multiple Antennas Using Anisotropic Magneto-Dielectric Materials
Yong Jin Kim | 2020, 15(4) | pp.481~486 | number of Cited : 1
Development of AI Robotic Gomoku Platform Based on Multi-Robot Cooperative System
SangYongPark , Kanghee Lee | 2020, 15(4) | pp.487~495 | number of Cited : 2
High-School Baseball Pitcher’s ERA(Earned Run Average) Prediction Using Multi-Variable Linear Regression Analysis Method
Young Hwan Oh | 2020, 15(4) | pp.497~506 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on Legislative Improvement Measures for Cyber Security-Focused on the Revised Communication Secret Protection Act
Kwon Su Jin | 2020, 15(4) | pp.507~514 | number of Cited : 2
The Legal Environment of Smart Factory: Focusing on Governmental Support System and Occupational Safety and Health
KIM JUNWOO , Kim, Yong Eui | 2020, 15(4) | pp.515~537 | number of Cited : 3
Reliable Donation Service Using Ethereum Blockchain
Yonghu Kim , Ungki Baek , Yechan Jin and 2 other persons | 2020, 15(4) | pp.539~548 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Gender Differences in the Use of Smart Media and SNS Fatigue of University Students: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Gender on Academic Procrastination Behaviors and Learning Flow
Shin, Namin , CHOI EUN YOUNG | 2020, 15(4) | pp.549~559 | number of Cited : 5
Construction of Prescription Support System Based on Korean Medicine Ontology
Kim Sang-Kyun , Lee Seungho , Taehong Kim and 3 other persons | 2020, 15(4) | pp.561~571 | number of Cited : 4
A study On Characteristics and Prospects of E-Commerce in India
Kim, Kwang-hyun , Hyun-Min Kim | 2020, 15(4) | pp.573~580 | number of Cited : 3
Components of Interaction Rules for Effective Cooperative Learning - Focusing on Interaction Rules Voluntarily Proposed by Learners in Group Activities
IMSOOK CHOI | 2020, 15(4) | pp.581~590 | number of Cited : 1