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2010, Vol.21, No.3

영국 잉글랜드 지역 거버넌스의 이해
Young-Jin Ham | 2010, 21(3) | pp.1~22 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Relationship between the Change of Administrative Unit and Its Functions and Tasks : the case of Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education
공정희 , Seo Jae ho | 2010, 21(3) | pp.23~47 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on Performance of Result-Based Personnel Evaluation System :focusing on perception on Job performance agreement and Performance appraisal
이은진 | 2010, 21(3) | pp.49~75 | number of Cited : 13
공공문화기관의 예산효율성 측정과 평가:공공도서관 사례를 중심으로
김민주 | 2010, 21(3) | pp.77~101 | number of Cited : 13
Governance Research Trends in South Korea: Based on a classification as government, market, and citizen
JIHO JANG , HONG JEONG HWA | 2010, 21(3) | pp.103~133 | number of Cited : 25
The reorganization policy of government for IT convergence: Redesigning the function of government to promote IT industry
Choong-Sik Chung | 2010, 21(3) | pp.135~161 | number of Cited : 14
International Political Economy of Climate Change: Environment-Trade Conflicts in a Climate Change Regime
이찬송 , Yun, Sun-Jin | 2010, 21(3) | pp.163~193 | number of Cited : 13
항의가 정책변화에 미치는 영향 분석: 환경부문을 중심으로
조성은 | 2010, 21(3) | pp.195~223 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Responsiveness of Korean Government Service to Multiculturalism: A Focus on Chinese Brides of Koreans
Jong-Youl Lee , 범령령 | 2010, 21(3) | pp.225~247 | number of Cited : 15
A policy study applied complexity concepts: focused on analyzing the cause of policy results and policy design method for policy success
Seog-Min Lee | 2010, 21(3) | pp.249~276 | number of Cited : 4
A Study of the Development of Promotion System for Female Public Employees
Jin, Jongsoon | 2010, 21(3) | pp.277~300 | number of Cited : 8
A case study on the introduction and the adjustment of BSC systems : focusing on the Women Resources Development Centers in Seoul.
Yeonsook Cho , Choi, Seong Rak , Lee Hye Young | 2010, 21(3) | pp.301~324 | number of Cited : 10
The Study about the Relation Analysis of ODA Country Assistance Strategy(CAS) Evaluation Criteria: Through the Content Analysis of CAS Evaluation Report
Park, Byoung-sik | 2010, 21(3) | pp.325~352 | number of Cited : 15
공무원 사이버 교육훈련의 학습 및 전이성과에 미치는 영향: 서울시 공무원의 인식을 중심으로
강여진 , Chung Jae-hwa | 2010, 21(3) | pp.353~384 | number of Cited : 23
The Analysis about the Potential Effects of Local overnment's Disaster Control Type on the Efficiency of Its Disaster Control System
정선효 , Byungjoo Song , Gyeonghoan Kwon | 2010, 21(3) | pp.385~406 | number of Cited : 4