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2011, Vol.21, No.4

The Influence of Organizational Justice and Career Plateau Perceptions on Organizational Effectiveness.
Park, SoonAe , Sun-Kyeong Jeong | 2011, 21(4) | pp.1~23 | number of Cited : 28
A Study on the Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Disabled Employees: Focusing on the Effect of Social Support
Yang Ji Sook , 이수연 , Kum, Hyunsub | 2011, 21(4) | pp.25~48 | number of Cited : 28
Welfare reform and changes in the party structure of Germany : a review of the past 10 years
Kim Seong Soo | 2011, 21(4) | pp.49~72 | number of Cited : 5
Does E-Government Web Site Usage Enhance Policy Literacy?
Choi, Yeon Tae , Park, SangIn | 2011, 21(4) | pp.73~98 | number of Cited : 45
Critical Review on Academic Writing in Korean Public Administration
Kwon, Hae-Soo | 2011, 21(4) | pp.99~118 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the relationships between the perception of justice in the public personnel management and labor union commitment
Jung Jae-Myung | 2011, 21(4) | pp.119~147 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on Dual Commitment of Public Servants : parallel models approach
Jongsup Paek | 2011, 21(4) | pp.149~174 | number of Cited : 8
The effects of the National Basic Livelihood Security System on income and consumption
박상현 , 최하정 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.175~213 | number of Cited : 13
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Library Services of National Universities in Korea: A Parametric Distance Function Approach
Yoo, Keum-Rok | 2011, 21(4) | pp.215~235 | number of Cited : 3
The Big Questions of Identity Crisis of Korean Public Administration
Kim, Heung-Hoi | 2011, 21(4) | pp.237~261 | number of Cited : 5
The Evaluation of Gyeonggi-Do's Sustainability by Ecological Footprint Analysis
Han, Soon-Keum , Lee Dong Hoon , 오수길 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.263~282 | number of Cited : 3
Examining the Determinants of Civil Service Reform in U.S. State Governments
김정인 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.283~311 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis on Effect of REG(Regional Economy Growth) Through STI(Scientific Technology Infrastructures) And ILQ(Industrial Location Quotient)
임채홍 , 함요상 , Kim Jung-Yul | 2011, 21(4) | pp.313~346 | number of Cited : 13
Taking 'Control Variables" Seriously in Corruption Research: Estimating the effects of respondents' socioeconomic characteristics and policy evaluation on their general perceptions of corruption.
Kim, Junseok , Jinman Cho , EOM,KI HONG | 2011, 21(4) | pp.347~375 | number of Cited : 27
The Organizational Character and Change Management Using MBTI Personality Type
Park, Young Mi | 2011, 21(4) | pp.377~399 | number of Cited : 13
A Study on the Cultural Archetypes in Cultural Policy
김민주 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.401~431 | number of Cited : 8
The Scope, Locus, and Method of Comparative Regulatory Studies
Choe,Shin-Yung | 2011, 21(4) | pp.433~461 | number of Cited : 4
Direction for Establishing a PR Strategy of Army Recruitment Using AHP Analysis: Focused on Marine Corps
Shin Hyon Tai , 유근환 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.463~488 | number of Cited : 1
The Analysis on the Policy Change Process of the Total Industrial Site Volume Control System through ACF
신용배 , 전진석 | 2011, 21(4) | pp.489~512 | number of Cited : 9