Using a qualitative multimethod approach, this study was to discover integrated factors to construct a substantive theory about occupational socialization of librarians. Through theoretical sampling, 42 participants were in-deathly interviewed at three studies, i. e phenomenological, ethnographic, and grounded theory approach. These data were analyzed and finally integrated using grounded theory approach. Emerged integrated factors were: Sharing values of the profession in education, Striving to overcome the peripheral perception, Lack of understanding about the profession, Inadequate conditions, Shared work values, Social changes, Perception about users, Organizational culture of library, Human relations in organization, Continuing education and exchange, Seeking the professional, Strategies for work, Strategies for human relations, Strategies for surviving slump and crisis, Strategies for enhancing oneself, Coping strategies for lack of understanding, Self congruence with the profession, Non-self congruence with the profession.