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2012, Vol.56, No.

Kritische Bemerkung zum Gesetesentwurf fuer Landesentwicklung und fuer deren Hilfsleistung
Hae-Ryoung Kim | 2012, 56 | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 4
A Comparative Law Study on Improvements to the Korean Legal System for the Promotion of Development of Deep Underground Geothermal Energy
Choi, Inho | 2012, 56 | pp.17~47 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on maritime delimitation in the Seamangum Project Region
Kim,Hee-Gon | 2012, 56 | pp.49~93 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on the Legal Characteristics and Transferability of Inland Fisheries Permit
Lee,Heon-Seok | 2012, 56 | pp.95~113 | number of Cited : 1
A Legal Review on the Readjustment of Insignificant Land Parcels
Hyun-Joon Lee | 2012, 56 | pp.115~132 | number of Cited : 5
Research on legislation regarding the management and development of public properties on commission
Jang Kyo-Sik | 2012, 56 | pp.133~152 | number of Cited : 2
Study on Roadway Maintenance Laws
Woo-Suk Chae | 2012, 56 | pp.153~174 | number of Cited : 2
Study on the legal characteristics of land use zoning system
송현담 , 육동연 | 2012, 56 | pp.175~189 | number of Cited : 0
A study on improvement in the provision of construction site for apartment buildings enforced as a measure for migrating inhabitants
Ok-Kyung Yuh , 김은유 | 2012, 56 | pp.191~206 | number of Cited : 1
Methods to acquire rights for residency on the law of city development
lee jae sam | 2012, 56 | pp.207~242 | number of Cited : 10
A Legal Study on the Limits of the Compensation Systems by the Existing Compensation Law
주종천 | 2012, 56 | pp.243~262 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Improvement of FarmlandManagement System in the Characteristics of Farmland Use - the case of the farmland in the metropolitan area and Jeonlabuk do -
Jeong Hoe Gun | 2012, 56 | pp.263~284 | number of Cited : 2
Die Entwicklung des europaeischen Umweltrechts und die Reaktion des koreanischen Rechts
Song Dongsoo | 2012, 56 | pp.285~308 | number of Cited : 5
Eine Studie über das Maßnahmegesetz
Hong Wan Sik | 2012, 56 | pp.309~330 | number of Cited : 12
A study on the legal issues about jurisdiction and control of superintendent of education
Im, Hyun | 2012, 56 | pp.331~348 | number of Cited : 10
Amtshaftung wegen pflichtwidrigen poizeilichen Unterlassens und Voraussetzungen für die polizeiliche Handlungspflicht - Oberstes Gericht, Urteil vom 9. 10. 2008, 2007Da40031 -
Kim, Hyun Joon | 2012, 56 | pp.349~370 | number of Cited : 15
A Study on the Introduction of Tentatively Named Legal Acceptance Business according to Abolition of Institutional Delegation Business
최철호 | 2012, 56 | pp.371~400 | number of Cited : 10
A study on the Social Welfare Facility Evaluation System
seon eun ae | 2012, 56 | pp.401~420 | number of Cited : 6
Formation of Pancasila as basic principle of Indonesian Constitution andits constitutional meaning
Hae Cheol Byun | 2012, 56 | pp.421~442 | number of Cited : 7
Application of the Precautionary Principle in potential risks of nanomaterials
So,Jae-Seon , Lee, Chang-Kyu | 2012, 56 | pp.443~476 | number of Cited : 7
Local Autonomous Entity’s Integration and Legal Tasks according to Electoral District’s Demarcation
Jeong Kuk Won | 2012, 56 | pp.477~504 | number of Cited : 5
The constitutional meaning and value of 'due process of law' in korean constitution
Hwan Myoung Pyo | 2012, 56 | pp.505~526 | number of Cited : 16
A Study on the Dwelling for Korean in Okubo Area, Japan
Choi, In Ho | 2012, 56 | pp.527~550 | number of Cited : 2