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2018, Vol.7, No.3

Direction and Locations in University Students’ Cognitive Maps
Kim, Minsung , LEE, SANG-IL | 2018, 7(3) | pp.245~259 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Change of Regional Learning and Content Composition in Primary Geography Education
Da-won Kim | 2018, 7(3) | pp.261~274 | number of Cited : 7
Analysis on the Contents of ‘Sense of Place’ Represented in Elementary Geography Education
Hye Jin Kim | 2018, 7(3) | pp.275~287 | number of Cited : 19
Design of an Environmental Interpretation Program for Yeongsil Trail Using Value, Nature and Culture Resources of Mt. Halla National Park
Jihee Ko , Kim Taeho | 2018, 7(3) | pp.289~302 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on the Short-term Morphological Beach Changes of Pado-ri Using UAS-based DEM: Focusing on before and after Typhoon Soulik
Jae Jin Yu , Dongwoo Kim , Jeongho Yoon and 1 other persons | 2018, 7(3) | pp.303~317 | number of Cited : 2
Analysis of World Geography Contents in Matteo Ricci’s World Map Kunyu wanguo quantu (「坤輿萬國全圖」)
Seo, Tae-Yeol | 2018, 7(3) | pp.319~336 | number of Cited : 5
An Overview of Characteristics of Fengshui Topography in Kyeryong Mountain: From the Perspective of Mountain Fengshui Study
Wonhoe Choi , Geunwha Lee , Jeongrak Seong | 2018, 7(3) | pp.337~362 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on Ryōtarō Shiba’s Gaze toward Korea as Represented in Kara no Kuni Kikō (「韓の国紀行」)
Dong-min Lee | 2018, 7(3) | pp.363~386 | number of Cited : 6
The Making of Kaisei Nihon Yochirotei Zenzu (「改正日本與地路程全圖」) and Its Significance in the Sovereignty of Dokdo
Choi Jae Young , Saangkyun Yi | 2018, 7(3) | pp.387~397 | number of Cited : 3
Critical Review of Research on Child-friendly city on the Perspective of Urban Geography
Shin, Jungyeop | 2018, 7(3) | pp.399~413 | number of Cited : 15
The Challenges of International Volunteering between Voluntourism and Development Volunteers
KWON SANG CHEOL | 2018, 7(3) | pp.415~433 | number of Cited : 10
An Essay on Entrepreneurial University and Regional Innovation Systems
Jae-Youl Lee , Lee, Gil Jae | 2018, 7(3) | pp.435~448 | number of Cited : 3
A Spatial Analysis on the Relationships between Housing Prices and Migration: Focusing on Rental Prices in the Capital Region
Cho, Daeheon | 2018, 7(3) | pp.449~462 | number of Cited : 8
Application of Relative Favorability Function Model for Land-use and Land-cover Change (LUCC) Prediction in South Korea
Dongwoo Kim , Kim Jang-soo , Man Kyu Kim | 2018, 7(3) | pp.463~478 | number of Cited : 4
Evaluation of Land Use Management Grade Using Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) and Restriction on Acts of Use District
Geunhan Kim , Eun Jung Lee , Jeongho Yoon and 2 other persons | 2018, 7(3) | pp.479~488 | number of Cited : 2