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2012, Vol.36, No.9

Tourism Research Methods and Statistical Assumptions:A Review of Articles appeared in the Recent Journal of Tourism Sciences
Hyojin Kim , Stout, Betty L , Jeon, Min-Sun | 2012, 36(9) | pp.11~26 | number of Cited : 10
A Study of Development and Validation of Walking-tour Motivation Scale: A Case of Jeju Ollegil
Young A Park , 현용호 | 2012, 36(9) | pp.27~50 | number of Cited : 31
An Empirical Study of Bicycling Toward a Causal Relationship among Constraints, the Extent of Participation and Behavioral Intentions
Kim Jae Hak | 2012, 36(9) | pp.51~72 | number of Cited : 6
The Effects of Temple-stay Experienced Tourism Satisfaction, Suggestion and Revisit Intention
Ahn, Hae-Yeon , Lee, Yang-Hee , Dae-Hwan Park | 2012, 36(9) | pp.73~91 | number of Cited : 39
A Study on Motivation, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intention for Foreign Visitors to Hanok: Comparison of Motivation between Asian and Western Visitors
LEE DAE EUN , Lee Choong-Ki | 2012, 36(9) | pp.93~115 | number of Cited : 21
Religious Theme Festival Visitors' Attitude Change Toward Other Religions: A Focus on the Millennial Anniversary of the Tripataka Koreana
Jo, Seung-A , Kim Tae Young | 2012, 36(9) | pp.117~134 | number of Cited : 4
Arguments for and Against the Cable Car' Construction within Bukhan National Park
Park, Joung-Koo , Park Jong-Sun | 2012, 36(9) | pp.135~155 | number of Cited : 4
Study on Dark Tourism Participants's Environmental Perception: A Focus on JeJu April 3rd Peace Park
Hye-Won, Jang , Choi Byoung-Kil , song jae ho | 2012, 36(9) | pp.157~176 | number of Cited : 7
Comparing the Effectiveness of Interpretation Boards onCultural Heritage Resources byUsing a Communication Information Appeal Method
Han Sang-Hyun | 2012, 36(9) | pp.177~196 | number of Cited : 2
Changes in Distinction of Leisure Consumption between Social Classes
Han, Kyo-nam , Beom-Soo Han | 2012, 36(9) | pp.197~219 | number of Cited : 13
Analysis of the Spatial Characteristics and Effect that Determine Leisure Movement:An Application of Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Regression
Lee, Jeong-Sub , kIM, Young-Rae | 2012, 36(9) | pp.221~240 | number of Cited : 12
A Difference Analysis of Tourist Deviant Behaviour by Playfulness
Lee, Hoon , Choi, Ilsun | 2012, 36(9) | pp.241~260 | number of Cited : 21
A Study on ‘WON’, the Buddhist Hospitality Facility,in the Koryo Dynasty Era:A Study on the Origin of Korean Hospitality
YoonJoong Nah | 2012, 36(9) | pp.261~274 | number of Cited : 2
The Impact of TV Drama Contents on Viewer’s Attitudes toward the Destination of the On-Screen Location in Terms of Mediating Effect of Location Difference
Kim, Hong-bumm , Kwon, Jun | 2012, 36(9) | pp.275~294 | number of Cited : 6
Identifying the Relationships among Visitors‘ U-tourism Service Experiences on Site, Satisfaction, and Attitude Change of the Smart Phone Application, U-SEUM, at the Suwon Hwaseong Museum
SEOHO UM , Yun, Ja-yon , KIM, Jaewon | 2012, 36(9) | pp.295~313 | number of Cited : 19