Purpose : The purpose of this study was to examine the nurses’ needs for the spatial compositionof geriatric hospital. Methods : The survey method was used for collecting the data. The subjectswere 110 nurses who worked at 6 geriatric hospitals in Busan. They answered the questionnaireby the self-administered method. The questionnaire consisted of items which asked the spatialcomposition of patient room, bathroom, dining space, resting space, care-givers’ room, andgarden. Results : 1) The patient room using a bed on ondol floor would be useful. Also, it wouldbe desirable that most patient rooms consisted of 4 or 6 persons per patient room and the otherswere 1 or 2 persons per room. 2) The bathroom for only patients and the shower room for theirfamilies or care-givers are needed in the geriatric hospital. 3) The dining room for patients in eachfloor would be useful to old patients. In addition to that, the cafeteria for their families orcare-givers are needed. 4) The resting space for patients and their families, for the staff, and forcare-givers are needed. 5) The personal locker and refrigerator are necessary fixtures in care-givers’room. Also, table, sofa, sink, and shower booth are also needed. 6) On the base of activities ofcare-givers, the space for preserving, washing, and heating foods are needed. Also, the storagespace for personal items and the fitting space are needed. Implications : The results of this studywould be the fundamental data for space planning of the geriatric hospital.