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2016, Vol.21, No.9

Instruction Flow based Early Way Determination Technique for Low-power L1 Instruction Cache
Gwang Bok Kim , Jong Myon Kim , Cheol Hong Kim | 2016, 21(9) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 0
Combined Features with Global and Local Features for Gas Classification
Sang-Il Choi | 2016, 21(9) | pp.11~18 | number of Cited : 0
Guitar Tab Digit Recognition and Play using Prototype based Classification
백병현 , Hyunjong Lee , Doosung Hwang | 2016, 21(9) | pp.19~25 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Grapheme and Grapheme Recognition Using Connected Components Grapheme for Machine-Printed Korean Character Recognition
Lee, Kyung-Ho | 2016, 21(9) | pp.27~36 | number of Cited : 2
Shot Group and Representative Shot Frame Detection using Similarity-based Clustering
Gye Sung Lee | 2016, 21(9) | pp.37~43 | number of Cited : 0
Image Processing Algorithms for Non-destructive Testing
Lee Sang Bock | 2016, 21(9) | pp.45~49 | number of Cited : 0
Methods to improve Log-MAP Decoding in Frequency Selective Fading Channels
Kim Jeong Su | 2016, 21(9) | pp.51~55 | number of Cited : 0
The study of preference by emoticon types according to the gender of sender, emotion types of message and intimacy with the recipient
Kim HyunJi , KANG JUNGAE , Lee, Sang Soo | 2016, 21(9) | pp.57~63 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on Developing Navigation for a Moving Destination Target
1)Eun-Gyeom Jang , Won Joo Lee | 2016, 21(9) | pp.65~72 | number of Cited : 0
Improvements of a Group key Management based on (2,2) Secret Sharing
slyong | 2016, 21(9) | pp.73~78 | number of Cited : 0
A Heuristic for Dual Mode Routing with Vehicle and Drone
Yunhong Min , Chung Yerim | 2016, 21(9) | pp.79~84 | number of Cited : 2
5W1H based resource management model for the expansion of oneM2M standard Data Filter rules
민성현 , Ho-Young Kwak , LEE SANG JOON | 2016, 21(9) | pp.85~90 | number of Cited : 1
A Dynamic Programming Approach for Emergency Vehicle Dispatching Problems
Jae Young Choi , Kim, Heung-Kyu | 2016, 21(9) | pp.91~100 | number of Cited : 0
Mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of the EGFR gene are rare in the Korean Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Lee EunJu | 2016, 21(9) | pp.101~106 | number of Cited : 0
Study of military CPR quality and education by feedback device and debriefing
문수재 , Kim Seon-Rye , BYUNG-JUN CHO | 2016, 21(9) | pp.107~112 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect Factors on the Purchase Intension of Smart Car as of High Innovative Technology and Product; Consumer's Individual Attributes, Perceived Benefit and Switching Cost
Yeon S. Ahn | 2016, 21(9) | pp.113~119 | number of Cited : 2
Study on the Effects of Calling of Social Workers on Their Job Engagement
Kweon Seong Ok | 2016, 21(9) | pp.121~126 | number of Cited : 5
An Influence of Social Workers' Social Capital on Organizational Citizenship Behavior - focused on Social workers in Kwangjoo metropolitan and Jeon - nam Province -
Lee Hun Hee , Jung Seo Lee | 2016, 21(9) | pp.127~137 | number of Cited : 0
A Curriculum for Mobile Programming Education that Includes A Project Completion and It's Implementation Results
Ha Seok Wun , 허광훈 | 2016, 21(9) | pp.139~147 | number of Cited : 0
The Evaluation Tool and Process for Effective Education Outcomes Measurement and Analysis of Computer Education
김영탁 , Gab-Sig Sim | 2016, 21(9) | pp.149~156 | number of Cited : 0
NCS Course Design and Result Analysis of Class Application
Lee, Soon-mi , Park hea-sook | 2016, 21(9) | pp.157~163 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Effectiveness of Smart Education Based on Learning Ability
Jeong-Beom Song | 2016, 21(9) | pp.165~176 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Development and Implementation of Computational Thinking Education Framework
Choe Hyun-Jong , Lee Taewuk | 2016, 21(9) | pp.177~182 | number of Cited : 9