Objectives: The purpose of the study was to identify the oral care status and periodontal disease of middle aged daibetic patients in Korea.
Methods: The primitive data were taken from 238 diabetic people in the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES) in 2010 - 2012. The variables included general profiles(gender, age, occupied area, education, and smoking), oral care status(brushing time, brushing time, use of oral hygienic supplies, availability of oral hygienic supplies, oral examination, and recognition of oral health state), and diabetes management(morbidity period, treatment, education, and glycosylated hemoglobin levels).
Results: Most of the subjects took gargling more than twice a day and it accounted for 73.5%. Oral hygienic supply users accounted for 24.8%, and most of them used floss brush. Oral examination was done in 19.3% of the respondents and 55.0% thought that their oral health status were very poor. The prevalence rate of the periodontal diseases was 46.6%. Female tended to have a higher rate of periodontal disease than the male. Oral hygienic supply users had lower rate of periodntal disease than those who did not use. Those who had poor subjective oral health status had higher prevalence rate of periodontal disease than those who did not.
Conclusions: Periodontal disease is closely related to good oral care of middle aged diabetic patients. It is necessary to develop the program for the prevention of the periodontal disease for the diabetic patients.