Objectives: Dental implants are one treatment method for tooth loss. The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of experience and intention for dental implants and related factors among elderly.
Methods: The participants were 244 elderly residing in rural areas with age over 65 in Samhoeup, Yeongamgun and Jeollanamdo, Korea. Chi-square tests, t-tests, and a multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to investigate the factors influencing the experience and intention of implants. Results: Many elderlies residing in rural areas rural elderly had experienced tooth loss (83.6%). The proportion of dental implant experience was 30.9% and intention to receive implants was 57.8%. The odds ratio (OR) for experience of implants was significantly higher for participants with a lower number of chronic diseases (0: OR=12.48, 95% CI=2.12-73.38, 1: OR=4.95, 95% CI=1.66-14.72), they have dental treatment experience during the past 1 year (OR=6.61, 95% CI=1.83-23.89), they have surrounding person who have experience of implant (OR=18.06, 95% CI=2.81-115.99), higher dental implant recognition (OR=3.97, 95% CI= 1.92-8.23). The odds ratio (OR) for dental implant intention was significantly higher for participants with a lower age (65-69: OR=8.18, 95% CI=2.38-278.08, 70-79: OR=3.17 95% CI=1.04-9.68), lower number of chronic diseases (0: OR=4.15, 95% CI=1.00-17.29), they have drink alcohol (OR=5.03, Cl=1.31-19.34), they have surrounding person who has experience of implant (OR=3.22, 95% CI=1.30-8.02), they have not experience of tooth loss (OR=4.65, Cl=1.22-17.70), higher dental implant recognition (OR=2.69, 95% CI=1.55-4.67). Conclusions: In the future, it is necessary to utilize the results of this study to address loss of teeth and to support dental implant treatment selection through improved increased awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants.