This study shows how Marshall R. Pihl, one of the most respected translators in the field of Korean literature, revised his own translations. His revisions analyzed in this article are from “Seoul: 1964, Winter” (김승옥의 <서울, 1964년 겨울>), “On Growing Old” (이양하의 <늙어가는 데 관하여>), “A Stray Bullet” (이범선의 <오발탄>), “Nami and the Taffyman” (오영수의 <남이와 엿장수>), “Kapitan Ri” (전광용의 <꺼삐딴 리>), “The Girl from an Island” (오영수의 <섬에서 온 식모>), “The Post Horse Curse” (김동리의 <역마>), and “Winter Outing” (박완서의 <겨울 나들이>). Excerpts from these revisions are analyzed in detail according to Brian Mossop’s revision parameters, including “accuracy,” “completeness,” “idiom,” “smoothness,” and “mechanics.” Findings show that Pihl meticulously revised his own translations at various levels of language, such as word, idiom, punctuation, thematic structure, and paragraph. This article concludes with brief discussion of why the translator’s self-revision is important and how to enrich Korean literature in translation.