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An Analysis of the Translator’s Style of The Great Gatsby: Focusing on Optional Shift





This paper studies the translator's style by quantitatively analyzing optional translation shifts. Narrative texts of The Great Gatsby and two English-Korean translations by Kim, Wook-dong (TT1) and Kim, Young-ha (TT2) were analyzed to identify and categorize recurring patterns of optional translation shifts, which represent the translator's personal translation style. Distinct differences in recurring shift patterns were found between the translators. The tendencies revealed in the quantitative analysis indicate that TT2 used more than twice as many shifts as TT1, showing greater distance from the source text than with TT1. TT1 expanded mostly by replacing words with phrases, indicating his tendency to explain more about the source text. This tendency resulted in longer sentences. TT2 deleted mostly adverbs and adverbial phrases, resulting in short and simple sentences. This paper suggests a method for the research of the style of a translator by quantitatively analyzing optional choices made by the translator, which represent features of the translator's personal style or voice, thus contributing to translator studies.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.