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2009, Vol.33, No.6

The Factors of Tourists' Shopping Behavior- Focusing on Novelty, Sensation Seeking Tendency and Hedonic Shopping Tendency -
Tae-Hee Lee , 배은성 | 2009, 33(6) | pp.15~35 | number of Cited : 19
An Evaluation of the Quality and Level of Satisfactionon Royal Palace Tourism- Focusing on Authentic Experience and HISTOQUAL -
Jisun KIm , Lee, Hoon | 2009, 33(6) | pp.37~54 | number of Cited : 79
Forecasting Demand for Korean Oriental Medical Tourism and Estimating Its Economic Impact
Lee Choong-Ki , 유지윤 , Yim, Eun-Soon | 2009, 33(6) | pp.55~74 | number of Cited : 60
Tourism Resource Development Strategies Using Space Syntax- A case of Yoo yang-dong, Yangju City -
Yoo, Kwang-Min , Kim, Nam Jo | 2009, 33(6) | pp.75~92 | number of Cited : 17
An Estimation of Tourist Satisfaction and Social Psychological Carrying Capacity in Relation to the Perceived Crowding in a Nature Recreation Facility
박지나 , Lee Seungkon , Hoosuk Lee | 2009, 33(6) | pp.93~110 | number of Cited : 24
Ecotourists' Recognition of Well-being and Quality of Life by Lifestyle Types
Euikeun Kim , 신관홍 , song jae ho | 2009, 33(6) | pp.111~130 | number of Cited : 19
Marine Tourists’ Motivation- The Causal Relationship between Push and Pull Factors -
정철 , Wansoo Kim | 2009, 33(6) | pp.131~149 | number of Cited : 34
An Analysis of Adolescents’ Tourism Experiences
Song Young-Min | 2009, 33(6) | pp.151~170 | number of Cited : 11
The Moderating Role of Tourists'Motivation Between Festival Image and Loyalty- Evidence from 2008 Gwangju Biennale Visitors -
Moon Youn Hee , Cho, Yong-Sang , Choi Jiho | 2009, 33(6) | pp.171~194 | number of Cited : 15
The Effect of Customer Based Brand Equity(CBBE)on Festival Image and Attitude toward the Host Region- A Case of Hampyeong Butterfly Festival -
KWONSANGMI , Kim, Sung Hyuk | 2009, 33(6) | pp.195~214 | number of Cited : 35
The Impacts of Festival Participants' Satisfaction Level of Hands-on Activities on their Intent of Revisit and Recommendation
이범재 , 정경일 | 2009, 33(6) | pp.215~236 | number of Cited : 46
Developing a Customer-Based Festival Brand Equity Measurement Scale- A Comparative Evaluation of Two Festivals Using Multiple-Group Factor Analysis (MGFA) -
Oh, Jeong-hak , Kim Chulwon | 2009, 33(6) | pp.237~260 | number of Cited : 25
Developing Tourism Destination Brand Scale Using the BPS- An Application to the City Brands -
Yoon, Tae-Hwan | 2009, 33(6) | pp.261~279 | number of Cited : 12
Exhibition Organizer's Service Failure and Associated Recovery- An Application of the Critical Incident Technique -
Lee, Hey-ryon , Yoon Yooshik | 2009, 33(6) | pp.281~302 | number of Cited : 20
The Economic Characteristics and Impact of the Convention Industry
한진영 | 2009, 33(6) | pp.303~317 | number of Cited : 4
The Influence of Organizational Effectiveness on the Perceived Justice Among Hotel Outsourcing Employees
Chae Sin Suk | 2009, 33(6) | pp.319~341 | number of Cited : 11
The Effect of Hotel Manager's Leadership Type on Hotel Employers' Service Orientation, Psychological Contract and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
이순구 , Seo, Won Seok | 2009, 33(6) | pp.343~365 | number of Cited : 25
The Relationship Between Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Service performance- A comparison of two Different Cabin Crew Job Positions -
Park, Hye-Jung , Seongseop Kim , 김영미 and 1 other persons | 2009, 33(6) | pp.367~389 | number of Cited : 19