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2019, Vol.43, No.7

An Analysis on Priority of Hotel Banquet Selection Attributes for Marketing Strategy of Attracting Corporate Events: From the Perspective of Corporate Event Planners
Kim, Hyun-Dong , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2019, 43(7) | pp.11~29 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Effectiveness of Airline Safety VR Education: Focusing on the Relations Safety VR Education, Emotional Immersion and Safety Behavior
Park, Hee-Jung | 2019, 43(7) | pp.31~47 | number of Cited : 9
The Effect of Mindfulness on Emotional Solidarity and Place Attachment in Festival Participation
Jung hun, Kim , Ko, Dong Wan | 2019, 43(7) | pp.49~68 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on the Elements that Form Residents’ Attitude toward Tourists at an Over-Tourism Destination: A Case Study of Gamcheon Cultural Village, Busan
Kim, Songyi , Kang, Youngeun | 2019, 43(7) | pp.69~83 | number of Cited : 20
A Study on the Image of Korea Tourism through Big Data Analysis(focusing on Chinese Press Reports)
Chen, Yu-Xuan , BOYOUNG MIN | 2019, 43(7) | pp.85~102 | number of Cited : 8
The Influence of Public Design Attributes of Urban Regeneration Tourism Destination on Perceived Value and Intention to Revisit: Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Prior Knowledge
Oh, Eun-Bi , Song Na Young , Kim, Tae-Hyung | 2019, 43(7) | pp.103~122 | number of Cited : 25
Influence of Social Media Content Types and Participation Levels on airlines’ Information Acceptance: Focused on the moderating effects of Gender and Age
Ji-Suk Hong , Ick-Keun Oh | 2019, 43(7) | pp.123~141 | number of Cited : 3
Differences in the Perception on Tourism Collaboration by the Types of Public and Private Organizations
Lee, Sang-Ho | 2019, 43(7) | pp.143~161 | number of Cited : 4
The Impact of Brand Credibility, Brand Equity and Brand Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty towards Global Airline Alliances: The Moderating Effects of Switching Cost
Lee, Sun-Min , Seo, Won Seok | 2019, 43(7) | pp.163~181 | number of Cited : 10
Comparing Development Programs of Regional Specialized Convention by the Semantic Network Analysis Methods-Focused on Daegu and Busan Cases-
Miseong Kim , SEO, YUBIN , Hyun-Jung Kim and 1 other persons | 2019, 43(7) | pp.183~200 | number of Cited : 7