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2022, Vol.12, No.1

The Reciprocal Longitudinal Relationship between Creativity and Self-Directed Learning Ability in Adolescents
Kim, Young-Mi , Jun, Jusung | 2022, 12(1) | pp.1~17 | number of Cited : 1
Mediating Effect of Self-Consciousness on the Relationship between Multicultural Acceptance and Creativity on High School Students: Focusing on Gender Comparisons
Ah-Rong Beik | 2022, 12(1) | pp.19~46 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Relationship Analysis between Perceived Relatedness, Online Self-Regulated Learning, Perceived Learning Gains, and Satisfaction of Non-Face-to-Face Classes in University
Jeong, Hanho | 2022, 12(1) | pp.47~73 | number of Cited : 8
Development and Validation of Self-Directed Learning Readiness Test
Choi Eun Ju , Kyung Hwa Lee | 2022, 12(1) | pp.75~103 | number of Cited : 5
The Mediating Effects of Employee Engagement and the Moderating Effects of Feedback Seeking Behavior Motive in the Relationship between Self-Determination and Innovative Behavior
Kim, Hyun-Jong , Song, Hae Deok | 2022, 12(1) | pp.105~133 | number of Cited : 8
A Case Study Research on the Issue Factors Appearing in the LiFE Project Participation Process of A Junior College
Gim, Eunkyeong , Jeon, Yeni , Lee, Jiyoung and 1 other persons | 2022, 12(1) | pp.135~161 | number of Cited : 1
Design and Validation of Tertiary General Education System based on Public Permissioned Blockchain and Smart Contract
Suna Kyun , Seo Hee-Jeong | 2022, 12(1) | pp.163~195 | number of Cited : 0
The (Sad) History of Teacher Preparation Revisited: A Reconceptualization of the History of Teacher Preparation in the US and Its Implications for South Korea
Baul Chung | 2022, 12(1) | pp.197~214 | number of Cited : 3
Influence of Learning Agility on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Moderated Mediating Effect of Job Autonomy and Job Embeddedness
Kim, Seung Min , AH JEONG HONG | 2022, 12(1) | pp.215~242 | number of Cited : 1
Can Artificial Intelligence(A.I.) be a Subjective Being for Ethics?: From a Lens of Posthumanism
Park, Hyu-Yong | 2022, 12(1) | pp.243~277 | number of Cited : 4