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2014, Vol.19, No.9

Task Balancing Scheme of MPI Gridding for Large-scale LiDAR Data Interpolation
김선영 , 이희진 , 박승규 and 1 other persons | 2014, 19(9) | pp.1~10 | number of Cited : 0
Video Transcoding Scheme for N-Screen Service Based on Cloud Computing
임헌용 , Won Joo Lee , Chang Ho Jeon | 2014, 19(9) | pp.11~19 | number of Cited : 1
Exploration of an Optimal Two-Dimensional Multi-Core System for Singular Value Decomposition
박용훈 , Cheol Hong Kim , Jong Myon Kim | 2014, 19(9) | pp.21~31 | number of Cited : 0
A Hybrid RBF Network based on Fuzzy Dynamic Learning Rate Control
Kim, Kwang-baek , Park Choong Shik | 2014, 19(9) | pp.33~38 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Light Pen Emulator Implementation using Mouse and Touch Screen
Youngseok,Cho | 2014, 19(9) | pp.39~44 | number of Cited : 0
Authoring Support Technique Using Text Analysis-based Dialogue History Tracking
김현식 , PARK SEUNGBO , O-Joun Lee and 2 other persons | 2014, 19(9) | pp.45~53 | number of Cited : 0
Table-based Effective Estimation of Residual Energy for Battery-based Wireless Sensor System
김재웅 , Dong Kun Noh | 2014, 19(9) | pp.55~63 | number of Cited : 0
An EIBS Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network with Life Time Prolongation
Bae,Shi-Kyu | 2014, 19(9) | pp.65~73 | number of Cited : 3
An Analysis of the Impact of Different Types of Sensors on Wireless Sensor Networks
Dongmin Choi , Chung, Il Yong , Kim, Seong-yeol | 2014, 19(9) | pp.75~84 | number of Cited : 0
A Study of Definition of Security Requirements on Encryption and Audit Logging
SeongYoon Shin , KangHo-Lee | 2014, 19(9) | pp.85~91 | number of Cited : 2
Development of Collaborative Script Analysis Platform Based on Web for Information Retrieval Related to Story
PARK SEUNGBO , 김현식 , BAEK, Yeong Tae and 1 other persons | 2014, 19(9) | pp.93~101 | number of Cited : 0
Designing a Repository Independent Model for Mining and Analyzing Heterogeneous Bug Tracking Systems
Lee Jaekwon , Woosung Jung | 2014, 19(9) | pp.103~115 | number of Cited : 0
The effect of Multicultural Acceptability of Multicultural Family Support Center Workers on Multicultural Attitude
Kim, Young-Kyo | 2014, 19(9) | pp.117~124 | number of Cited : 5
Response Modeling with Semi-Supervised Support Vector Regression
Dongil Kim | 2014, 19(9) | pp.125~139 | number of Cited : 0
The Effect of Community Service Users’ Intention to Repurchase Social Services
Lee Hyoung Ha , 최한수 | 2014, 19(9) | pp.141~150 | number of Cited : 2
Design and Implementation of the Menu Navigation using Social Network Analysis among the Menus of Management Information System
Min-Jung Lee , KIM JUNWOO | 2014, 19(9) | pp.151~160 | number of Cited : 3
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Aircraft Landing Problem
Sang-Un, Lee | 2014, 19(9) | pp.161~168 | number of Cited : 1
The Impacts of Local Public Servant's Performance Oriented Values on Job Attitude - Focusing on Trust in the Leader-
Hwie- Seo, Park | 2014, 19(9) | pp.169~176 | number of Cited : 1
A study on the local government's Sustainable expansion plan of volunteer
김성현 | 2014, 19(9) | pp.177~184 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis about Learning Objectives of Informatics Textbooks in High School using Anderson’s and Fuller’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Choe Hyun-Jong | 2014, 19(9) | pp.185~196 | number of Cited : 5
The Case Study for Path Selection Verification of IGP Routing Protocol
No-Whan Kim | 2014, 19(9) | pp.197~204 | number of Cited : 2