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2005, Vol., No.14

A Comparative analysis of 'hodokosu' and 'megumu'
金珉秀 | 2005, (14) | pp.1~17 | number of Cited : 0
Expressing of 「refusal」 in a 「request」-The case of native speakers in the Japanese language and Korean who is learning Japanese language-
金潤淑 | 2005, (14) | pp.19~32 | number of Cited : 2
How to teach Tourism Japanese class effectively
Kim, Eun-Hee | 2005, (14) | pp.33~49 | number of Cited : 3
Characteristics in the Development Method of the Discourse for High School Student-Focused on the Miyagiken Dialect-
琴鍾愛 | 2005, (14) | pp.51~66 | number of Cited : 3
Practice of project work in South Korea and the lrarner's attitude -Trial of Japanese Language Education in Advanced Class in Pukyoung National University-
松田勇一 | 2005, (14) | pp.67~79 | number of Cited : 1
Sentence Pattern and Use of the Adjective Predicative Construction for the Meaning of [Isikikankaku]
朴海煥 | 2005, (14) | pp.81~93 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on Zenrintugo
齊藤明美 | 2005, (14) | pp.95~115 | number of Cited : 3
Strategies in Selecting the Objective Case Markers "Wo" "Ga" "Ni"-Text in the Writing of Korean and Chinese Learners of Japanese-
坂口昌子 | 2005, (14) | pp.117~133 | number of Cited : 2
Study on Recognition of Loan Words from Japanese Seen in "International Census on Attitudes toward Languages"
梁敏鎬 | 2005, (14) | pp.135~151 | number of Cited : 0
An Inquiry Into the Figure Pun in Japanese Computer-mediated communication
Yoon Sanghan | 2005, (14) | pp.153~168 | number of Cited : 0
On the Distributed Morphology, spontaneous verb, middle potential verb, result intransitive verb in Japanese
千昊載 | 2005, (14) | pp.169~186 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on 「monoda」-Through Korean and Japanese Translation Contrast-
HYEON SEONLYEONG | 2005, (14) | pp.187~205 | number of Cited : 3