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2006, Vol.30, No.6

Marketing Strategy for the Audience’s Cultural Enjoyment according to Cultural Consumption Tastes & Life-Style Types
Park, Joung-Koo , Jawon Kong | 2006, 30(6) | pp.11~32 | number of Cited : 57
The Impacts of Airline's Strategic Alliances on Customers' Loyalty
Kim, Hong-bumm , Chang, Ho-Sung | 2006, 30(6) | pp.33~50 | number of Cited : 13
The Concept of Intercultural Communication Competence and Its Construct
Min, Chang-Kee | 2006, 30(6) | pp.51~71 | number of Cited : 21
Policy Orientation of Rural Tourism: Determinants of Tourism Business Performances
Cho, Kyu-Ho | 2006, 30(6) | pp.73~94 | number of Cited : 19
A Content Analysis of Articles on Event and Festival Appeared in Korean Tourism Journals: A Review of Papers in 1995-2004 Period
Hong Sung-Hwa , Choi Byoung-Kil , Sungeun Lee | 2006, 30(6) | pp.95~111 | number of Cited : 82
The Effect of Hotel Employee's Emotional Intelligence on Performance
최금창 , 최우성 | 2006, 30(6) | pp.113~133 | number of Cited : 61
An Analysis of Developing Model for Opinion Decision inl Tourism Development: The Case of Public Sectors
고종화 | 2006, 30(6) | pp.155~176 | number of Cited : 17
Shopping Characteristics of Visitors: The Case of Tourists to Jeju Island
Suh Yong-Kun , Gwang Hee Ko | 2006, 30(6) | pp.177~198 | number of Cited : 18
A Development Model of Future Tourism & Leisure City in Korea
Kim, Sung-Jin , Chang Pyong Kwon | 2006, 30(6) | pp.199~218 | number of Cited : 20
A Benefit Segmentation of Tourists in Rural Areas
Minsoo Lee , Park Duk Byeong , Yoon Yooshik | 2006, 30(6) | pp.219~240 | number of Cited : 55
Effects of Cultural Capital on Leisure Consumption
박상곤 , Park,Suk-Hee | 2006, 30(6) | pp.241~258 | number of Cited : 50
The Influence of Travel Agency Managers’ Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Career Development and Job Performance
Yebyeong Chae , 현복희 | 2006, 30(6) | pp.259~279 | number of Cited : 15
Participants' Motivation of Flower Festival: Mt. Taebak Royal Azalea Festival
Son Jae Young , Sungdo Hong | 2006, 30(6) | pp.281~300 | number of Cited : 19
The Influence of the Internal Marketing upon the Banquet Service Quality: The Case of Hotels in Kangwon Province
Lim, Jieun , Kyungsook Kim | 2006, 30(6) | pp.301~320 | number of Cited : 17
The Sustainable Growth Rate of Korean Tourism Industry
Kitae Kim , Ahn, Young-Gyu | 2006, 30(6) | pp.321~337 | number of Cited : 12
Identification of dimensionality of brand equity and its structural relationships with overall brand equity, brand attitude, and revisit intent: A case study of family restaurants
현용호 , Huh Hyang-Jin , Nam Jang Hyeon | 2006, 30(6) | pp.339~360 | number of Cited : 31
Perceived Value, Attitude of Activities Intended for Industrial Exhibition Fairs
노용호 , Kim Hwa Kyung | 2006, 30(6) | pp.361~379 | number of Cited : 45