Empathy essentially is a kind of psychical convergence behavior, which is widely used in our common communication but without being paid much attention on. Empathy in pragmatics meant the speakers and the listeners put their emotion into the other’s stand in order to preestimate and understand each other well. Examining the language situation of empathy, it mainly related to five elements: the purpose of communication, the topic of communication, the relationship between the speakers and the listeners, the special situation of communication and the verbal or non–verbal strategy. The language situation mentioned before decides different ways of empathy used by the speakers to reach their intention. The way empathy chose occurred every aspects of linguistic structure: phonetic, lexical, syntactic and grammatical ways. They also happened on different region, society and culture. This thesis intends to put the empathy behavior into the condition of language situation. Centers on the intention the speakers hold in the process of communication, we also analyze the special language situation when empathy strategy is used and the ever changeful process of the empathy, then we summarize the main empathic methods people use to achieve the purpose of successful communication.
Tai Pingjing is one of the classic masterpieces of Taoism in DonHan dynasty. In the late period of DongHan dynasty, the disyllabic function words developed so quickly. Some words which are from ancient times become to be disyllabic function words, but others are still in the period of transition from phrase to word. There are 148 disyllabic function words in Tai Pingjing, every kind of word-building ways have appeared. The author chooses disyllabic conjunctions from them, and analysis the semantics classification and grammatical functions of them. On the one hand, the author analysis the number and the rate of the disyllabic function words, and depict the the trait of them; on the other hand, compare the disyllabic function words which appeared in DongHan dynasty to which appeared in modern times.
The author proposes to reveal the formation and development process of the disyllabic function words.
Wang-Xiaobo, through his prose works, put a highest value on epistemology which can be proved based on rationalism, and pursuit of human wisdom including knowledge of natural science. Compared to this, he criticized thinking based on totalitarianism which oppresses individual and annihilates freedom by alluding to Utopianism - totalitarianism introduces ideological thoughts as ruling philosophy. And he pointed out that king as a philosopher who is eager to build Utopia is, in fact, intellect who are puppets for power. Especially, he discovered that main means of ruling they produce and use are concentrated on standards and requirements of ethic and moral fields.
Furthermore, he laughed at the desire for devotion and sacrifice of intellect by alluding to delight of masochist who needs persecution and punishment. Such a view became artistic imagery through his novels. Among them are works which bring sexual love into relief. These novels require enlightenment about omnipresence of power which spreads into individual's secret space. There are his works which describe complete control over individual composing of high-tech society uniformly based on norms and system. These works represent this writer's assertion for anti-Utopianism. The way to go in pursuit of true value and wonderful wisdom expressed through allegory in his some works is very rough.
본 논문은 리저후(李泽厚)의 <계몽과 구국의 이중 변주启蒙与救亡的双重变揍>와 위잉스(余英时)의 <중국근대사상사 속의 진보와 보수中国近代思想史上的激进与保守> 문장을 주목하며, 두 글이 1980년대와 90년대 중국 사상계에 일으켰던 영향을 탐색하였다. 중국 사회에서의 계몽과 구국, 진보와 보수의 개념으로 5.4신문화운동에서 “89”역사까지의 문화정치현상을 정리 논술하였는데, 특히 위잉스가 1988년 9월에 강연 발표했던 <중국근대사상사 속의 진보와 보수>를 중심으로 중국 사상계에서 일었던 진보와 보수 논쟁을 분석 하였다. <하상>을 둘러싼 중국 국내외 문화 정체성 논의는 고도의 정치성을 담보하고 있으며, 이런 문화사조의 발흥과 동시에 정치사조로서의 “신권위주의新权威主义”가 출현하였으며, 이는 경제발전과 결합해 신자유주의, 전지구화 현상을 가져왔고, 전지구화에 따른 문화부흥을 지향하며 초기 현대화 담론 중의 유럽중심주의 가설에 도전하였다. <하상>과 신권위주의의 각기 다른 문화와 정치 경향은 “진보와 보수” 논제와 공모 가능성을 가지고 있었다. 89년 이후 실어증 상태에 빠져 있었던 중국 지식계는 1992년 덩사오핑의 남순강화 이후 신좌파와 자유주의 논쟁을 진행했고, 이는 지식인의 분화를 초래했다. 이를 배경으로 중국 사상학술계에서는 “진보와 보수”의 토론이 전개되었다. 논문은 위잉스가 논술하는 청말에서 89년에 이르기까지 중국 정치문화계의 진보와 보수를 구분하는 기준으로 중국 사회현실과 그에 대한 태도를 설명하며, 중국역사 속 “두 차례의 순환”과 그의 문화정치성, 89년 이후의 사상계 특징과 사회정치현실을 분석하였다.
본 논문은 종이 물질사(物质史) 연구를 통해 1950년대 신민주주의 문화 실천 속에서 있었던 지역, 특히 상하이(上海)에 대한 개조와 문화에 대한 독특한 관리통제방식을 토론하면서, 신민주주의가 자본주의를 처리하는 특수한 경험을 고찰하고자 하였다. 50년대 상하이 문화는 신구(新旧) 사이의 과도기성과 경계성을 가지고 그 풍부성을 드러내고 있었지만, 신민주주의 문화의 적극성과 개성은 등한시되었으며, 사회주의 중국 건설에서의 ‘문화’의 중요성을 약화시켰다. 이 시기 상하이 문화는 불안전성과 유동성을 가지고 해방 전과 달랐으며, 사회주의 개조가 끝나고 난 후의 안정적 문화구조와도 다른 양상을 띠었다.
1950년대 신문출판부서는 상하이에서의 종이생산에 대한 계획적 관리통제를 진행하였다. 종이의 통제로 해방 전 혼란스런 민간인쇄출판 시장을 정돈하였고, 국영출판인쇄소를 강화하였다. 1953년 제1차 5개년 계획이 실행되었고, 출판총서(出版总署)는 <신문종이 통일적인 분배조달 방법新闻纸统一分配调拨办法>, <신문출판단위 용지 기준 규정新闻出版单位用纸标准的规定> 문건을 하달하여, 문화 용지 사용에 대한 구체적인 심사와 감독하였다. 논문은 1954년 “신문지사건”, 즉 용지 생산과 분배에서의 관리 문제로, “민간 출판 투기상의 통제에 방어선이 무너진” 사건을 상세히 서술하였고, 건국초기 종이생산과 분배를 통한 출판인쇄사업의 관리 통제방식과 당시 상하이 신문잡지 출판계 문화현상을 논술하였다.
On the Song dynasty, the development of culture brought the tea culture to prosper, and the convergence of Confucianism Buddhism and Taosim gave great influence to the literary circles. The literati of the Song era had both Confucianism, based on their thoughts of actualities, and also, Taoism and Buddhism, which was the solution of their inner agonies. This kind of trend appears on the poetries of Su shi, a poet who was greatly interested in teas. Su shi created the Eunil(meaning seclusion) theory witch shows the combination of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. He used his tea poetries to furtively express about the contradictions of the Sung society, and about the pain which people suffers from the administrations.
But after he got several political dispreciations, unable to do what he wanted, he wrote poems unrealated to reality, about accepting the present and taking a philosophical view of life, which expressed transcendence. He expressed his way of life from his work; Confucianism in the inside, and Taoism showing from the outside. Beyond all these, Su Shi's tea poetry(the Yong cha-shi) gave big challenges on it's usual form. He tried not to follow the common form of verse, and tried to adopt many other literal techniques such as the Hui wen-shi, bringing up the era's Yong cha-shi to a higher level.
The implications in economic and cultural for Taiwan-strait exchanges by related by ‘Lust, Caution'.
Novels ‘Lust, Caution' and movies ‘Lust, Caution' mean the Taiwan-strait relations' should make more liberal and progressive. The Chinese Kuomintang and the Communist Party should solve their contradiction in theirselves for the future of both sides young people, conflict and competition will not be useful for both sides.
This cross-strait exchanges between Chinese Kuomintang and the Communist Party more useful than compete with each other for their future in economic and cultural development.
The cooperation between Chinese Kuomintang and the Communist Pa is some different from a matter of international political perspective.
ECFA and 'Santong(Three fields cooperation between China and Taiwan)' is consciousness of cross-strait exchanges in the cultural and economic fields. In particular, the cross-strait cultural and economic integration of young people between both sides will reduce hostility and jealousy in both sides.