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2023, Vol.13, No.3

The Effects of Nature-Inspired Art Convergence Class On Learning, Problem-Solving Ability of Middle School Students
park hyun hee , Yang Hyejin , Kyung Hwa Lee | 2023, 13(3) | pp.1~21 | number of Cited : 0
The Effects of Grit, Academic Engagement, and Parenting Styles on the Trajectory of Adolescents’ Happiness
양수연 , Insoo Oh | 2023, 13(3) | pp.23~52 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect of Storytelling Class on the Improvement of Creativity and Social Skills of University Students
Kyung Hwa Lee , BAE CHEOL WOO , Hee-Ra Bae | 2023, 13(3) | pp.53~71 | number of Cited : 0
The Structural Relationship between Self-Leadership, Psychological Empowerment and Career Decision-making Self-Efficacy of College Students
Byungok Kim , Kim, Juhu | 2023, 13(3) | pp.73~97 | number of Cited : 0
The Mediating Effects of Grit and Future Time Perspective on the Relations between Career Anxiety and Career Preparation Behavior of College Students
Yi-young Kim , 조성은 , Au, Yun-Kyung | 2023, 13(3) | pp.99~129 | number of Cited : 1
Organizational Culture of Day Care Centers and Teacher Efficacy on the Interaction between Teachers and Infants
Kim, Sun Young , Kyounghoon Lew | 2023, 13(3) | pp.131~155 | number of Cited : 0
A Case Study for Exploring Hybrid Class Implementation Strategies
Jae-Kyung Yi , Hyojeong Hong | 2023, 13(3) | pp.157~183 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Roles of Universities as Actors in International Development Cooperation Projects: Focusing on Domestic Research
Cho Wongyeum , Lee, Chae Young | 2023, 13(3) | pp.185~212 | number of Cited : 0