Objectives : The aim of the study is to investigate anxiety, fatigue and stress of dental hygienestudents in clinical practice and to improve the psychological support program.
Methods : A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 428 dental hygiene students in 4universities in Gwagju and Jeonnam. Data were analyzed for anxiety, stress and fatigue, general characteristics using SPSS 18.0 program for descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and correlation.
Results : Saliva suction showed the most high score in treatment (mean±SD=2.92±1.13) andwas followed by children dental care(2.79±1.21), preventive dental care (2.38±1.04), maxillofacialradiology (2.35±1.15). During the clinical practice, students felt uneasy when they stayed in relativehome (p<0.05). Poor interpersonal relation (p<0.001), poor health condition (p<0.01), lowsatisfaction with major (p<0.01), the other cause of major choice (p<0.01) influenced on theirstress. Satisfaction with major was closely related to clinical practice performance, anxiety, physicalfatigue and mental fatigue.
Conclusions : In order to reduce physical, mental, neuro sensory fatigue of students in clinicalpractice, it is recommended to reinforce the patient care etiquettes in curricula.