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2011, Vol.12, No.3

A Study on the Translation of Legal Texts
Kim Dohun , 손수연 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.7~31 | number of Cited : 8
The influence of the translations of (western) feminist works in the modern magazine New Youth on the Chinese society and translation per se
김진아 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.33~53 | number of Cited : 2
The Reproduction of Polyphony in the Korean Translation of French Free Indirect Discourse
박선희 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.55~82 | number of Cited : 14
Translation of Powerpoint Slides as a Visual Aid —A Comparison of Professional and Student Translators
안세림 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.83~109 | number of Cited : 1
Distance Education of Sight Translation: Interaction and Feedback
오미형 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.111~139 | number of Cited : 9
A Comparison of Two Feedback Types in Undergraduate Translation Class
Lee Migyong | 2011, 12(3) | pp.141~168 | number of Cited : 32
The Translation of Conceptual Metaphors in News Texts: An Analysis of An English-Korean Parallel Corpus
Seung-Ah Lee , 배지연 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.169~196 | number of Cited : 13
A study of legal interpreting service providers’ and users’ perceptions of the norms in legal interpreting
이지은 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.197~224 | number of Cited : 25
A Corpus-based Study on Translation Evaluation: Focused on High Frequency Nouns in Korean Translations of the French Novel Moderato Cantabile
조준형 , YI, Yeong-Houn , 계명훈 and 4 other persons | 2011, 12(3) | pp.225~262 | number of Cited : 9
A Contrastive Semantic Analysis of English and Korean News Terminology
주진국 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.263~279 | number of Cited : 1
Case Study on English-Korean Translation of Slang and Vulgarism: Analysis of Shifts in Formality Levels
한미선 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.281~303 | number of Cited : 18
Translation as Ventriloquy: Recapturing the Narrative Voice in Song of the Sword
Ha-yun Jung | 2011, 12(3) | pp.305~333 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Effectiveness of Using a Class Blog in Translator Training
피터리 | 2011, 12(3) | pp.335~363 | number of Cited : 0