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2013, Vol.14, No.2

On Empirical Research and the Case Study Method in Translation Studies
Ji-Hae Kang | 2013, 14(2) | pp.7~38 | number of Cited : 8
Public Narratives and Their Impact on News Translation: A Case Study on Korea-U.S. FTA News
김기영 | 2013, 14(2) | pp.39~63 | number of Cited : 7
Reframing Political Narratives in Translation: Translated Texts of CNN News Articles on “Arab Spring”
Soon Mi Kim | 2013, 14(2) | pp.65~102 | number of Cited : 13
Adult Ideology Reflected in Translation of Character Names: Japanese-Korean Picture Book Translations Compared with English-Korean Picture Book Translations
Sung, Seung-eun | 2013, 14(2) | pp.103~123 | number of Cited : 8
Discussing Questions From the Floor from the Simultaneous Interpreter’s Perspective
오미형 | 2013, 14(2) | pp.125~148 | number of Cited : 0
Using DIY Corpus in Legal Translation: English Translation of Causative Verbs in Korean Statues
Yoo, Jeong Ju | 2013, 14(2) | pp.149~186 | number of Cited : 7
A History of Translation Studies in Korea: Prerequisites and Preliminary Remarks
YI, Yeong-Houn | 2013, 14(2) | pp.187~222 | number of Cited : 23
Translation of Exophoric the in Christian Literature: from English into Korean
Choi, Hyoeun | 2013, 14(2) | pp.223~252 | number of Cited : 2
Problems in simultaneous interpretation from World Englishes to Korean: Case study on Indian English
Jiun Huh | 2013, 14(2) | pp.253~282 | number of Cited : 8
A study on Korean-Chinese Punctuation Translation of News Headline Based on Corpus
Hwang Eun Ha | 2013, 14(2) | pp.283~311 | number of Cited : 23