The purpose of this study is to examine the overall trend of university liberal arts dance research byexploring the current status of university’s liberal arts research conducted in Korea by year andsource,and identifying the key words in research by period. For the study, literature data were collectedand analyzed through the academic research information service of the Korea Education and ResearchInformation Service and Google Scholar Search. The results are as follows: First, the study of liberal artsdance in domestic universities was first published in the Journal of Korean Dance Education Associationin 1993. Second, as a result of examining key words in domestic liberal arts dance research throughindices such as connection centrality and proximity centrality from 1993 to 2023, the results are‘participation’, ‘influence’, ‘women’s students’, ‘satisfaction’, ‘relationship’, ‘professor type’, ‘leader’,‘life satisfaction’, and ‘self-efficacy’ were studied as frequent and major concepts.